Shiva-Ratri, 6 March 2008
Why God of the imagination of mind does not vanish in the Intelligence of life?
Why fragmentations of mental entanglements are not consumed by the fire of Emptiness?
Why mind's ultimate greed & uninterrupted pleasure under the banner of God is not evacuated for the ecstasy of existence to be? Aren't ''moksha'', ''mukti'', ''nirvana'', ''soul'', ''saviour'', salvation'','' enlightenment'' ---just borrowed words to keep the illusory psychological continuity intact ?
Why the fragrance of body-suffering props up a fragmented mind-sufferer?
Why submission does not happen for annihilation of ‘‘I’’?
Why can't we understand that every experience, no matter how profound it is, separates us from life which has no destination? There is no way you (mind) can sum up anything about life, love, intelligence (chaitanya)! Any second-hand definition on life has no meaning whatsoever --- why can't we realize this in our bones?
Why this propensity to look for ''God'', to follow leaders and gurus, to avoid solitude, to wage war and to join groups or mafias?
Why can't we understand that life does not die, the body only changes its form after its death --- remaining within the flow of life in new forms!
Why don't you see that life is not interested in any ''after-life'', it is mind that talks about it based on brain-washing by borrowed belief-systems from pundits, priests and mullahs ?
Why we do not realize that the life is merely interested in surviving and multiplying now ---- it does not formulate any past or future! Life is like a stray dog who somehow manages to cross the street even in peak hours! Have you not noticed it (in Indian big cities)? Thank God, it is only a dog! If it were a human, it would have written a book ‘‘How to cross busy streets during peak hours'' and would have made millions of dollars! Then the dog would have become a prominent management-guru or a religious-guru!
Culmination of above questions will be the culmination of ''me'' (Shiva process) and the commencement of truth, comprehension and compassion. Truth, not success, teaches. Success (or failure) succeeds in promoting travesties of self-centered activities.