Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message136 - Two communications to confusion (mind) of curiosity from clarity (life) of comprehension

    Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)

21 Feb. 2008


Dear One,


Your letter would have generated a blast from Shibendu`s body giving you yet another oppurtunity to psychologically judge Shibendu with the jargon of being "impulsive". Face facts, not fiction, to satisfy your curiosity and you have correctly said that curiosity is in the nature of the mind. In fact, cunning curiosity is the protective activity of the myth that is called mind. Life, Intelligence, Energy of Understanding are available to examine and to enquire in equanimity without getting into agitation and disturbance of mind. Eight years ago my "Kriya schoolmate" (according to your conjecture) started a campaign saying Shibendu was not even initiated! But the plan to sabotage my travels was not successful, thanks to Trudy. And when I showed her the records in my father`s handwriting with my name in 1960 and only his wife`s name in 1978 in the list of Initiates (it is written here in Bengali language: "Ashoke was present" as Ashoke claimed that he was already initiated in a disciplic lineage), Trudy said that you should not have taken the trouble of carrying records! A lion does not need to prove himself! The paradoxical activity of this man who needs support from Shibendu`s baby sister, his book mongering miracles (spiritual pornography), his equation with the sister, his claim as reincarnation of Lahiri Mahasay, his removal of Satyacharan`s picture from his establishment and many other events can be narrated to you in detail including your "final question" about Shibendu`s authorisation. However, I do not know if you with your stubborn mind, will ever see the veracity of the teachings emanating from Shibendu`s body and will ever feel the intensity of the Kriyas. Of course, you can pretend all this with the vulgarity of intellectual gratification.


Shibendu does not need any dependancy on anybody including his fore-fathers. Dependency and corroboration destroy divine energy and comprehension. So there is no question of Shibendu`s cutting any branch on which he sits! There is no branch -- it is all and whole. And fire does not sit, it spreads! Hell with your Kriya practice if you cannot perceive this! You can never know a radical change, as you will always reconsolidate your psyche "I" by surreptitiously introducing the psychological time of becoming.


You are free to decide not to listen to Shibendu, not to be with him. You are also free to cancel your programme, because of the enlightenment you got from Shibendu`s "Kriya Schoolmates". You are free to propagate that Shibendu is in Kriya - business without being an authorised dealer!


Much Love.




Dear One,

Your letter to Guruji on Message 134 was forwarded to me. 

A response to your letter is now being written to you separately as this came spontaneously in this body and was also a teaching for this body as the knowing happened. When the Universal Intelligence teaches it must be shared.

When your letter was read what was immediately seen is that it is again a case of mind caught up in belief and disbelief. There was no seeing at all in the body when it was written.

Why is the Lahiri family special to you as you said in your letter? Is it not because of what you have read in books? You have not seen Lahiri Mahashaya. What then makes Lahiri Mahashaya a special person other than the stories written about him? Lahiri Mahashaya has become special because of the tales of miracles written in the book "Autobiography of a Yogi".
Others have also written books similarly endowed with miraculous stories. The mind, which as you say correctly, is curious, is always seeking excitement and concepts to grasp. "Lahiri Mahashaya" of the books is therefore a concept in your mind. These concepts excite more curiosity either to consolidate or to repudiate past concepts to remain in agitation and division which are perpetuation of the nasty contents of the separative consciousness, thus never allowing to touch the blissful movement of life. The real hidden player behind all this gratifying game is the fiction "I", the ego. The tremendous subjugation or subordination of life by the lusty "I-ness" prevents us from waking up to this situation.

There is no excitement in Life. Life is just a flow. Hence stories of miracles are chosen by the mind as believable while what is in the presence of your body is not seen.

THE LIVING GURU IS IN FRONT OF YOU. Have you been hit for even an instant by an insight into what-is when he has been shouting again and again telling anyone who will listen that as far as your life is concerned
, it does not matter a single bit whether Lahiri Mahashaya was indeed great or not; whether there were miracles or not; whether He was in the emptiness or not. It will not bring understanding to your body UNLESS there is Listening from a state of Let-go, a surrender, a quietness of non-seeking, non-doing. It does not matter whether the Guru who has accepted you and whom you have accepted is authorised by someone or not. What matters is whether you are hit by the same blast that hit that body. 'Authorisation', by the way, is given by the Universal Energy acting through a body in emptiness and not through any personality and whether there are infinite numbers of letters from sisters, brothers, uncles and cousins of a yogi authorising someone. It matters not a bit unless those same sisters and brothers, uncles and cousins are themselves in emptiness. No letter of recommendation can ensure that one sees Life as it is. Indeed, the word 'Authorisation' itself is wrong in the context of Living life. No one can authorise Living and Life needs no authorisation. Life just needs to be lived. If there is freedom there is life. Such a body, free and in surrender to the flow of life, will speak what it sees. It does not require to be authorised to say so. If there is listening, others can also be hit by this process. Otherwise, any authorisation is plain tomfoolery. I have heard from Guruji that he was working in a very high position when he was called by his father and informed that he will have to take up teaching. I do not know the full story because there was never any curiosity. However, since there is curiosity in your body, you may demand details from him when you will meet him in Spain in the near future. The questions from curiosity will however persist everlastingly, unless there is a question, not from borrowed answers, which would blast the questioner himself resulting in a radical change.

All the Messages are written in the dimension that is not of this world of comparisons and contrasts. They are not calculative. The messages are coming from a body that cares two hoots whether anyone accepts them or rejects them. The body cares nothing if anyone is offended by the messages though there is never any intent to offend because there is no motive. The Messages are responses that arise spontaneously or verbal expressions of blasts that hit. They are not impulsive - they are explosive.

They are not meant to accommodate. They are not politically correct statements that can achieve compromises among various businessmen in the world of commerce. They are blasts of
vitality and veracity.

If there is surrender for even an instant in a body these Messages will blast that body into the same dimension of the Messages right then. There is no transition phase from ignorance to understanding. It will be instantaneous. RIGHT THEN! A switch.
from Off to On.

May this understanding hit
you through the grace of the Guru from whose body love energy flows like the light of the sun on all. May you come out of the shadowy darkness of the mind and receive that love in full and get blasted.

With love


Jai Blast

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