Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 119 - Hello from Bulgaria


                                                                                                                                                                        Pavel Banya, Bulgaria

                                                                                                                                                      25th June, 2007

What is to be a good Kriyaban who is naturally a good human being?


Why do some people with the pursuits of their so called spiritual goals lose their inherent natural state and become paranoid? Can there be a spiritual goal? Or, only a glorified greed under the garb of spirituality? Is there any spirituality? Or, is it the separative psych “I”, desperately trying to give itself continuity and permanency in the name of spirituality?


What does it mean to be a good man? Can there be a cultivated goodness? Can the craving for power be considered as good even under the banner of spirituality? What is the gratification in controlling and manipulating others? Why the mind in reaction and resentment, in arrogance and aggression, in anticipation and apprehension, is always destroying the living quality of life?  Is it possible to dissolve the separation (“I”) in the consciousness to be available to the sacred intelligence (Chaitanya) to which a human being is connected right from the birth? Is it possible to live without a single psychological registration confining oneself only within the parameters of factual registrations? Is it possible to stop pretending to know when one actually does not know? Is it possible to be free from all borrowed beliefs and knowledge, except in the technical area? Is it possible to function without fragmentation, that is, without a single hidden or ulterior motive?


To remain with such questions patiently in a state of deep contemplation without hurrying for answers, is the beginning of life in Kriya Yoga which is known as Swadhyay – the essence of Sankhya wisdom of ancient humanity. Practice without such pondering makes a human being profane, ugly and imbecile. Such a person masquerading as a spiritual practitioner and claiming to possess a great “spiritual knowledge” is a menace among Kriyabans who can vulgarize the whole community by spreading his mental pollutions and insane reactions destroying sanity and sense of proportion among Kriyabans.


This message is an appeal by Bulgarian disciples of the dynastic lineage of Kriya Yoga represented by Shibenduji to be alert and throw such rotten apples immediately without any further delay as soon as they are spotted. We in Bulgaria have done it and we want to share this information among our brothers and sisters in Kriya all over the world so that Kriya energy of understanding and profound practice continues unabated everywhere.


This is the second message incorporated by a disciple in the website www.kriyayogalahiri.com, the first one being the message 21 so beautifully presented by Mr Gopi Menon from India. Bulgaria is glad to follow India to be the second country in this regard. Bulgarian Kriyabans are now in euphoria as Shibenduji is among them at present.



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