Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 024

London , UK

June 15, 2000


You are not your consciousness. You are nothing. You are the blank TV screen that does not get affected by the images coming upon it. Does the screen get burnt when fire is seen upon it? Does the screen get wet when ocean or rain appears on it? Do the bullets and bombs of the war scenes destroy the screen?

You are the emptiness, the holistic existence, the energy, the intelligence. You cannot experience the emptiness, even though it is your real self, real space. Reality is existence not an experience. “You” must cease for this to be. Our intellect must open up for the penetration of intelligence. We share the same intelligence, just as we share the same atmosphere for breathing. Intelligence is meditation.

Your consciousness is constituted by its contents – fear, anxiety, guilt, gullibility, greed, hope, pursuits, paradoxes, images, influences, indulgences, inhibitions, investments, beliefs, bigotry, conditioning, confusions and the rest of such ingredients of the mind. But you are not your mind. Mind is myth. It is not real, but it is valid. It is functionally useful in your daily practical living. You are not what you think. You are exactly that which you cannot think of. You are nothing. The courage to face and understand this void, is the beginning of a fundamental transformation in the human body and mind. The living sense organs of the body generate the mind. Mind, the myth, vanishes as soon as the body dies.

A theatre company puts up a tent in a village fair and sets up a stage and also a green room for rest between performances. The players enact the drama in all sincerity and receive much appreciation from the audience. But they don’t get psychologically attached to their roles. They cease to be king, queen, Army general or villain and are nothing when they return to the green room from time to time for rest and recreation, to be able to play once again with vigour. And when the village fair is over, the company winds up the tent and vanishes from the spot.

Emptiness is the green room, the mind is the play – stage, death of the body is the winding up of the tent to put it up again in another village fair, until the futility of the play is realized (jivan – mukta).

Green room is the Brahma

Stage and play are the Vishnu

Vacant spot is the Shiva

Live life in the stage-play (Vishnu lila), but be available to the Green room (Brahma) from time to time and have the wisdom to wind up and vacate the spot (Shiva) when the fair is over.

This is

Sat – Chit - Ananda

of Kriya Yoga, the unique combination of

Hatha – Raja - Laya yoga.


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