Schweibenalp (Switzerland)
24 May 2000
Nirvana Satakam
That is, six verses for nirvana or liberation.
Mano buddha hankara chittani naaham
Nacha shrotra jivhe nacha ghrana netre.
Nacha byoma bhumi natejo navayu
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (1)
Spirit of Nirvana Satakam
I have no name
I am as fresh breeze of the mountains.
I have no shelter,
I am as the wandering waters.
I have no sanctuary
Like the dark gods.
Nor am I in the shadow of deep temples
I have no sacred books,
Nor am I well seasoned in tradition.
Nacha pranasangyo Naboi panchavayur
Naba saptadhatur Naba Panchakoshah.
Nabaak panipadam Nacho pasthapayu
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (2)
I am not in the incense mounting on high altars,
Nor in the pomp of ceremonies.
I am neither in the graven image
Nor in the rich chant of a melodious voice.
I am not bound by theories
Nor corrupted by beliefs.
I am not held in the bondage of religions
Nor in the pious agony of their priests.
Naumey dwesha ragou naumey lobhamohau
Mado naibo menaibo matsaryabhava.
Nadharmo nachartho nakamo namokshas
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (3)
I am not entrapped by philosophies
Nor held in the power of their sects.
I am neither low nor high,
I am not the worshipper nor the worshipped.
I am free
My song is the song of the rive
Calling for the open seas,
Wandering, wandering.
I am life.
Napunyam Napaapam Nasoukhyam Nadukkham
Namantro Natirtham Naveda Nayagnyah.
Aham bhojanam naibo bhojyam nabhokta
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (4)
Life has no philosophy
No cunning system of thought.
Life has no religion
No adorations in deep sanctuaries.
Life has no god
Nor the burden of fearsome mystery.
Namrityur nashanka naumey Jatibhedah
Pitanaibo menaibo matano Janma.
Nabandhur namitram Gururnaibo shisyas
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (5)
Life has no abode,
Nor the aching sorrow of ultimate decay.
Life has no pleasure, no pain,
Nor the corruption of pursuing love.
Life is neither good or evil,
Nor the dark punishment of careless sin.
Ahamnirbikalpo nirakararupo
Bibhutachya sarvatra sarvendriyanam.
Nachaasangatam naibo muktir nameya
Chidananda rupa shivoham shivoham.. (6)
Life gives no comfort
Nor does it rest on the shrine of oblivion.
Life is neither spirit nor matter
Nor is there the cruel division of action and inaction.
Life has no death,
Nor has it the void of loneliness in the shadow of time.
Free is the man who lives in the eternal.
For life is.
Extraordinary concentration of total energy takes place when mind is freed from pursuits and paradoxes. Realise Kriya Yoga without mental pollutions.
Jai Kriya Yoga