Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 017 - Mudras are natural expressions—not for conforming and becoming, nor for boasting and bragging

QUANTAS flight on board from Adelaide (Australia) to Singapore

November 13, 1999


Let living and perception be life-oriented, ‘what is’-oriented; not book-oriented, nor quotation-oriented. Not even logic-oriented as logic may be derived from a particular point of view arising from vanity and vested interest whereas veracity has no fixed abode, it is intensely dynamic.

‘Khechari’ implies an awakenedness emerging out of a total evacuation of the inputs and investments of the mind leading to the highest intelligence of no-mind. No-mind is not the mindlessness of an imbecile. ‘Khe’ means ‘Akash’ i.e. sky or void and ‘Chari’ means moving. That is why a bird is called ‘Khechar’ in Sanskrit.

Mudra happens by virtue of body-intelligence when thought unleashes its stranglehold on the body. Then the mind with its myths and mania utterly ceases. And the ‘Most Sacred’ gestures through various mudras. Mudra is not to be imitated or exhibited for ego-gratification and glorification. To boast about ‘spiritual’ knowledge and to flaunt ‘spiritual’ status by adopting labels and titles, is the ultimate vulgarity of a petty mind.

Different expressions (mudras) naturally happened when Buddha, Ramkrishna, Sant Tukaram, Raman Maharshi and others exploded into bliss. By imitating those mudras, no one would get a glimpse of the state of awareness in which these stalwarts existed. When someone is afraid, he or she runs. So running can be called an expression i.e. mudra for fear. That does not imply that all those who run, do so because of fear.

Frogs hibernate under water by erecting their tongue like Khechari Mudra. Therefore, be aware of the promoters of frog-consciousness of the spiritual market. Be in unitive awareness when stimulus and response become one unitary movement, totally preventing conversion of sensory perceptions into mundane sensuality. Remain awake to prevent degeneration of the bliss of existence into a burden of experience.


Jai Shyamacharan-Tinkori-Satyacharan

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