Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages


Melbourne, Australia

October 30th 1999


Resurrection is arising in life from the death and destruction caused by thought and its notorious network. Then there is the tremendous living organism (the body), with a profound intelligence of its own. Then there is the thrilling throb, the beat and the pulse of life with a benediction, beauty and bliss beyond all your bogus beliefs and bigotry; beyond all your petty stories, surmises, suppositions, speculations and superstitions. This Resurrection is indeed the Lahiri Mahashay melody of Kriya Yoga. Please understand this and stop shopping around in the spiritual market. Exist like a flower — a living expression of the Immeasurable, Un-nameable, and Un-knowable.

Be in quest and not with useless questions. Do not sink into the mire of theological questions and answers generated by spiritual charlatans and religious mafias. To be in quest is to be in Intelligence and Awareness outside separative consciousness and to be with questions is to be in the mischiefs and mania of the mind. Quest is action, questioning is activity, i.e., reaction. All your experiences, religious or otherwise, are the basic cause of your dukkha (sorrow). Real looking destroys the continuity of thought and you are relieved for a while from all your experiences and "you-ness". That is the "after-state poise" of Lahiri Kriya and that is the freedom from the sham of the organised mental pollution of marketed yoga.

For God's sake, please come out of the paralysing consolations and gratifications that you derive from the mental concepts of God and other illusions.

Kriya Yoga is not so much a doing — it is more a way of Undoing! Kriya is gathering of energy to explode into "what is" and not to escape into "what should be".


Long live Lahiri-Lore

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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