Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 010

Sofia, Bulgaria

June 30th 1999


Satsang implies getting together to have a dialogue by virtue of which the truth about the movements of mind is gradually revealed, although the word "Satsang" generally means a collection of mediocrities for entertainment through prayers , bhajans and kirtans or for excitement through pursuits of theories, postulates and beliefs. The full meaning of mediocrity is a dull heavy brain drugged by knowledge. But Satsang demands the highest quality in thinking and the highest capacity of a free brain held in wisdom.

The dialogue in a Satsang is a form of communication in which question and answer continue till an intelligent question remains without an answer. That is the beginning of an explosion into enlightenment.

Your questions unfortunately arise only from the field of answers already known to you through your heavy conditioning. You ask questions only to consolidate your "answers." This is making you further conditioned and neurotic. But when a profound question remains suspended, then a real miracle (not heavenly voice, divine vision, perfuming saint etc.) happens, because the question is left totally untouched by thought - just as a bud is left untouched for blossoming. Then the question has its own answer, because the questioner and the answerer as personalities have disappeared. An immeasurable and un-nameable process has thus begun.

Try this "no-method" of problem-solving and blast into the bliss and benediction of "no-mind."


Jai Rishi Lineage of Lahiri Mahashay


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