Paris,5 August,2023
Question :
Some say that God is not in the graven image, but others say that He is indeed there and that if we have true faith His power does manifest and reveal itself.
What is the truth of worship or ‘Puja’ ?
Response :
The mind makes and unmakes gods ; it can be cruel or kind. The mind has the power to do the most extraordinary things. It can hold opinions, it can create illusions, it can invent jet planes that travel at tremendous speed, it can build beautiful bridges, lay vast railways, devise machines that calculate beyond the capacity of man. But the mind cannot create truth. What it creates is not truth; it is merely an opinion, a judgement. So it is important to find out for yourself what is true.
To find out what is true, the mind must be without any movement - completely still. That stillness is the act of worship —- not your going to the temple to offer flowers and pushing aside the beggar on the way. You propitiate the gods because you are afraid of them, but that is not worship. When you understand the mind, and the mind is completely still, not made still, then that stillness is the act of worship; and in the stillness there comes into being that which is true, that which is beautiful, that which is Godly or Holistic Awareness.
Jai Puja