Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 476 - Time is Poison


Paris, 21 April, 2023


Time is Poison

Time is Disorder

Not the time by the wrist-watch, wall-clock ! This is essential for day-to-day order, for practical living. And not also the biological time  — A new born child growing, ultimately dying, inspite of all the care, medical and paramedical help the person may be provided during his/her life !!

But the psychological time, moving from what is to what should be, is the curse, the poison, the disorder !!! Efforts to end all this, gives continuity and complications to all this !!!! Is it possible to comprehend this fact by and for Oneself ?

In your bathroom you have a bottle marked ‘poison’, and you know it is poison, you are very careful of that bottle, even in the dark. You do not say — ‘’ How am I to be watchful of the bottle ?’’ You know it is poison, so you are tremendously attentive to it.

Time (psychological) is poison ; it creates disorder. If this is a fact to you, then you can take precautions to keep away from it. One must reject psychological time completely and be in tremendous order.


Jai Order


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