Paris, 15 April, 2023
In the present restless world, where every individual is anxiously trying to find some peace, some happiness, a refuge; isn’t it important to find out what is it that we are seeking, trying to discover? Perhaps most of us are seeking some kind of happiness, some kind of peace, in a world that is ridden with turmoils, wars, strife!!! Therefore, we want a refuge wherein there can be peace. So we go from one leader to another, from one religious organization to another, from one Guru (teacher) to another!!!
Now, what are we seeking? Are we seeking some kind of gratification from which we hope to derive happiness?
There is a vast difference between Happiness and Gratification.
Happiness is never of the shoddy little ‘mind-I’. It is the Life — Love — Divinity — Division free Awareness!!! One (mind-I) can seek and find gratification for a while, but never Happiness!!!
Happiness flows naturally in the River of Self-knowledge, the Swadhyay Process of Kriya Yoga.
So, what are we seeking? Happiness? Or Gratification?
Understand this in all earnestness, in the totality of Attention.
Jai Kriya Yoga