Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 457 - Core questions to ponder over in profound patience.


18 October 2022

One wonders, observing what is going on in the world, why there is so much disorder, why man is destroying man. Why is there such enormous expenditure on armaments? Why have people divided themselves into tribal romantic nationalities? Why have the organized religions, the accepted religions, throughout the world, divided themselves? Why is there such division in the world? We are inclined to think that an outside agency has created all this mess, that ‘’God’’, or some other supreme entity, having created man, has inspired him to destroy the earth. What man has done to himself and to other human beings is quite shocking and incredible. Why in the world are there so many neurotic people? Why is there a constant battle between man and woman ? Why is there  inward disorder, which naturally must express itself in outward disorder?



Jai Questioning




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