Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 454 - Lahiri Mahashay Nirvan



4th October 2022


A Profound Perceptive Presentation by one Senior-Sensitive-Disciple-Kriya Yogi in Holy Humility. His Name is not stated as per his request.

Online International Sunday Satsang has been taking place every week for almost last two years. Some feedbacks have been received regarding Satsang of 2nd October which are being shared as a message for deep contemplation.

1. During the Satsang, one kriyavan asked to explain the two short kriyas i.e. Niravalamb Dhyan and Ajapajapa and the process of the two were explained to the satisfaction of the questioner. The kriyavan sent the feedback below later, after contemplating on the names of these two short kriyas.

First short Kriya is Niravalamba Dhyan. It is locking the eyes at Kutastha with a passivity and holistic attention on the body as also the subtle body i.e. mind. It is called Niravalamba Dhyan because in this 'Avalamb' (a sanskrit word for support) of mind-‘I’ is not taken i.e. it is done in Awareness Choiceless.

Second short kriya is Ajapajapa. It is watching the breath in a state of let go (passivity) This leads to a wonderful dimension of watching in which dichotomy between the watcher and the watched gets naturally dissolved.

To understand Ajapajapa (Japa happening without any doer), we must understand Japa first. While explaining Japa, it is said that mechanical Japa or chanting of any word, be it Sitaram, Sitaram or Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola makes the mind dull. Both cause the same effect. There is nothing spiritual in such mechanical repetition. Actually, mind made still by chanting is not a still mind. It will again be in agitation as soon as the chanting ends.

2. While contemplating on the message 429 "On last talk by J.Krishnamurthi" it is understood that Art of Living is actually, Dying of the mind from moment to moment and this Dying is the dawn of Life, Love and Compassion.

Sanskrit word 'Daksha' means one who is in excellence of action. Excellence of action happens only when one is free from wastage of energy expecting fruits of action. This is the state of being in Awareness and freedom from 'I'-ness. So 'Diksha' means giving that 'Dakshata' (excellence) of being always in Awareness by Guru-process to Disciple-process. 'Dakshata' or 'Kaushalam' i.e. excellence comes from Yoga as said in Gita – "yogah karmashu kaushalam’’.

Jai Jai Lahiri Mahashay Nirvana

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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