29 January 2022
A Kriyavan’s Intense Swadhyay after hearing Guruji’s spontaneous commentaries on the first 3 pointers by Sage J Krishnamurti in Message 308
As long as one feels loneliness or fear of insecurity, he or she will try to associate himself or herself to someone or something, to some group, to some sect, to some cult, to some religion, to some nation etc. These are the results of separativeness, 'I'-ness and all its self-centred activities.
When there is no separativeness there is only alone-ness or all oneness and therefore no insecurity.
Relationship out of fear of insecurity or loneliness is devoid of comprehension and affection and therefore, it cannot give peace and silence. As long as fear is there, clarity of comprehension is not possible.
Meditation on the above fact i.e. dying moment to moment to the thought/ mind / the known, can wake up one to the Holistic dimension of the division-free awareness and then, one is free from 'I'-ness and its self-centred activities. This only can bring real Peace, Silence, Love and true relationship in life.
An emotional thought comes from memory. So any emotional or psychological thought belongs to past registrations in the memory, whereas division-free awareness belongs to the present. Perhaps that is why J Krishnamurti is saying that thought is a product of yesterday and it cannot touch the movement of energy of awareness. Past, the dead can't touch the present which is Life.
Further, meditation on something happens naturally when there is understanding of the ways of thought or mind. Actually, mind is thought and thought is mind. For the inner journey of spirituality, understanding of ways of thought i.e. Swadhyay is must. And ways of thought can be understood by observing the movement of thought and its protective mechanism to give continuity to itself. In a state of attention we can see that movement of thought happens with the help of attachment or aversion i.e. through Raag and Dwesha. When there is no attachment or no aversion, the thought will cease to continue. Secondly, we can also see that thought always creates a thinker which in turn multiplies thoughts from past memory to maintain and continue itself. This is the self protective mechanism of the thought as also the thinker. When these ways of thought are understood then meditation or division-free awareness happens naturally and then we understand in the true sense that any effort to meditate is the denial of meditation, because efforts are ego trips --------- from facts (what is) to fancy ( what should be ),“thought” refers to psychological thought only.
For the inner journey, one must begin with the thought or mind. Many people think that body is of prime importance and practice of Hatha yoga alone can make them great Yogis. Had it been true then most of the circus gymnasts would have to be worshipped as Supreme Yogis. Even a disabled person can discover his or her Real Self or Divinity through understanding the ways of the ego process, i.e.,through the profound Swadhyay teachings of Kriya Yoga.