3 January, 2022
Ziona Chana:
Ziona Chana of Mizoram, India, died at the age of 76 in June 2021 leaving behind his family consisting of 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren , one great-grand child and a record in the Guinness Book of Records for having the largest family in the World.
He was the head of a religious sect named Lalpa Kohran Thar (meaning, “The Lord’s New Church”), informally referred to as Chana Pawl, a Christian sect practicing Polygamy.
he sect was founded by his uncle and there are about 400 families practicing this religion. The main tenets of this so-called religion appear to be:
1. Christ will rule for a thousand years
2. The drum is harmless and so may be used in worship
3. A man may marry as many wives as he can support.
The first appears to be literally taken from Bible’s Revelation, Chapter 20, forgetting that Christ is already 2022 years old; the second appears to be a reaction to the mainstream Christian Church in Mizoram which objected to the use of pagan practices in Christian rituals (including the use of a drum during worship) and made them outcasts.
The last tenet appears to be the main point behind Ziona’s uncle forming this sect in 1942.
Starting at the age of 17, when he married his first wife who was three years older, Ziona continued adding wives (and children) to his family over the years. In one year, he added 10 wives!
The whole family lived in a 3 storey,100 room house. Ziona (along with the youngest of his wives) lived on the lower floor while the older ones were distributed in the two upper floors. There is more about him but the above is enough to provide the example of mind and its mischiefs.
During his funeral, the Chief Minister of Mizoram (a member of the Presbyterian Church of Mizoram - the same one that had outcast Ziona’s sect) tweeted: “With heavy heart Mizoram bids farewell to Ziona (76), believed to head the world’s largest family. Mizoram and his village…have become a major tourist attraction ..Rest in Peace Sir!”
What can one say!!!
Depravity of Mind - Displayed by characters directly and indirectly in this story:
1. The Uncle who started the sect: All belief systems are born of mind. All belief systems are a corruption of the real thing born out of fear and greed. The corruption of the preservation instinct gives rise to greed whether sensual, or materialistic. Charlatans (those with extreme mind) are the founders of belief systems (religions and their sects).
2. Ziona, the ‘hero’ of the story: In the course of the evolution of the mind, it is man that has exploited women more often; usually sexually. And though the above story does not provide an example of women exploiting, it is known from history that women also use sexuality to exploit men; each considering the other to be the weak one.
3. The Wives: Mind justifies anything for its own gratification or protection.
4. The Chief Minister: “Tourist attraction” is more important than Truth Awareness.
5. The Government: Polygamy, which is illegal in India, can be forgiven if there are votes to be garnered.
Jesus phenomenon is not a product of the mind: Jesus was in the dimension of no-mind; The Cross is not a symbol of the power of Christianity: It is a symbol of the cancellation of the “I”. Stories of Immaculate birth, miracles of turning water into wine, the very writing of the bible years after the sage had left His body are all examples of mind asserting itself when faced with no-mind, Division-free Awareness or DIVINITY.
How depraved is mind that it misuses the very no-mind phenomenon to further its own malicious vested Interests and vanities.
And Mind ‘wins’ for Emptiness that is no-mind does not care to interfere with the depravities of mind.
This is the Truth, whether it is the Jesus phenomenon, Krishna phenomenon, Buddha phenomenon or any other.
Swadhyay is seeing the mischief of one’s own mind. The story of others are relevant only to trigger the process of examining one’s own depravities, large or small.
Jai Swadhyay