20th Sept, 2021
A discussion between disciples and the Guru on the eve of the 125th anniversary of Lahiri Mahashaya’s Mahasamadhi (the final dissolution of separativeness)
Sanyasi disciples from Equador wrote to the Guru with several questions that struck them on the eve of the 125th anniversary of Lahiri Mahashaya’s Mahasamadhi. These questions have all been answered by the Guru, one by one, and it was considered worth sharing with kriyabans elsewhere too, as a Message.
Question: How do you feel in your role of giving continuity to the legacy of Lahiri Baba?
Response: Yes, I do feel blessed for this opportunity.
Question: Can you elaborate on the importance of family lineages or blood lineages in the transmission of the teachings of Kriya Yoga?
Response: There is no importance in being merely born. I have relatives- brothers and sisters- not distant but close ones, but they are all leading just an ordinary life. They do not understand anything about the importance of the teachings and the sanctity of the transformation that it may lead to. They don't understand anything! So merely being born (in a particular family)is not enough. One must have indeed a good brain also in order to understand the importance of these Teachings.
Question: What perception do you have about spirituality in these times? Why is it so difficult to find paths that enable real transformation and transcendence?
Response: What is important is to understand that entanglement with any mental undertaking under any pretext is not going to bring about the perceptions which are beyond mind - perceptions which are not in the dimension of conditioning and mischiefs and manoeuvres of the vested interest and the vanity of the divisive consciousness (the mind or the separative psyche I, I , I’’).
This has to be deeply understood. See, the mind is the subtle body, the body is the gross mind, They are material processes. There is nothing holy in this dimension. Mind is a myth. It is not real even though it is valid because it gives functional value to perform our daily tasks. We are not against mind but we understand the place of the mind and put it at that place. We do not allow the mind to interfere in the bliss and benediction of Life and its energy of understanding.
That Life is connected in the fontanelle – the Brahmrandhra - and that Life is never born; it never dies. The brain cells die because the blood supply to the brain cells are gone as the heart stops pumping. When all the brains cells are gone, then the Life, connected in the fontanelle – in the Brahmarandhra - escapes. Life never dies, Life has nothing to do with the divisive consciousness of this mind. So this Life, this connection of Life is the whole Life, the whole existence is Life. It is a tremendous dimension of awareness. A big bang in this dimension of Holistic Awareness starts the whole process of creation beginning with ‘God-particle’. All details have been meticulously described and elaborated by Scientists. Belief Systems in various ‘Religions’ are not required.
Dynastic Kriya Yoga program continues for 3 days. So far 25000 people have attended throughout the world, where programs were organized. But because of the present state of Covid 19, no program has been possible for over 20 months.
Yoga has two dimensions – One is a physical fitness program and the other is spiritual fitness program.
It is not the following that is important but the flowering.
Following somebody is not the way of flowering in the dimension of awareness, unnameable, immeasurable.
Question: What is your perception about the organizations that in the Western world, have taken the legacy of Lahiri Baba's parampara?
Response: Yes, they are doing a good work. It is because of their work that people came to know about the dynastic lineage – the source - and they knew that it is still functioning.
Question: Guruji do you consider that Kriya yoga continues to be a path for the dissolution of the ego and the attainment of realization.
Response: Yes, of course, Kriya Yoga has got 3 dimensions and that is why our program of initiation is also of 3 days. The first day we call Swadhyay teachings . That is the essence of the sankhya understanding of sage Kapilacharya.
The second day certain profound and scientific practices that is what is called yoga of Tapas (tapah).
We learn certain basic kriyas, very intense and that takes a lot of time – whole day.
The third day is the most profound teaching what we call Ishwarapranidhan..Isha means whole and Ishwara means Wholeness. Pranidhan means perception, that is, Perception of a dimension of understanding which is holistic, or whole, not fragmented.
This is Vedanta — Upanishads — Ending of knowledge for the beginning of knowing.
This is the only yoga mentioned by sage Patanjali . He says “Tapah swadhyaya ishwarapranidhanani iti kriya yoga.”
Question: Could your share with us your vision of Mahavatar Babaji? Why in Satyalok there is an image of Mount Kailash accompanying Babaji?
Response: This is just to emphasize Babaji's link. The original link is with Mount Kailash. There is the profound link in the Himalayas. Of course, there is no proof, but a perception.
Question: The lineage which was started with the blissful presence of Lahiri Mahasaya has been a strong example of realization and spiritual achievements for the Grihasta lifestyle. Could you bless us commenting on your experience about the delicate balance between family life and that of spiritual realization?
Response: Yes, that is why Lahiri Mahashay is called Grihastha Yogi.He did not escape from his family but remaining within that dimension, he could still go beyond that dimension and was available to a realization which is very rare. Even people, in leaving everything and taking Sanyas, perhaps failed to overcome the mischiefs of the mind.
It is the art of looking inwards and that art is called the Radha process. Dhara process is going outwards and people go outwards because people think that the truth is out there and therefore they start talking about the paths to Truth – this path -that path – Hindu Path – Muslim Path - Christian
Path! There is no path to truth because truth is not out there.
So this understanding, this Radha process is the inner journey and then one finds that the Krishna – the Division-free-awareness, the Divinity is right inside. There is nowhere to go.
Thus Lahiri Mahashay remained a house-holder and fulfilled his responsibilities towards his family. In the energy of equanimity, everything is possible. That is the real meaning of Samadhi, to remain established in the energy of Equanimity.
But lies are being spread everywhere under the banner of samadhi. Going into a coma and to various conditioned reflexes.
A religious awareness has no belief whatsoever – No Hindu belief, no Muslim belief, no Christian belief, no belief whatsoever! No belief that Jesus is the son of god or Muhammad is the prophet of God. No image. No motives. No three millions Hindu Gods!
That is why Shibendu is never tired to repeat that a real Hindu is an Undo – because he is undoing his conditionings. So it is possible to be a householder and yet remain religious.
So what is important is to perceive the omnipresent, omniscient, otherness – the unnameable directly by and for oneself in One's blood cells and bone marrow.
Question: Why did you choose France and not India as the home base for your task and teachings?
Response: France is the central point between the East and the West and it has just happened by chance because there are very good arrangements to look after this body very scientifically. That is why the body is so well in-spite of the age - 82 years. Whenever I ask somebody, Can You tell me what is my age? They never say beyond 60 – 65, sometimes even people say around 55-60’'.
Question: Which is the sacred text that you would consider is the basis of the teachings of Sanatana Dharma?
Response: Obviously, it is the Bhagavad Gita, the Melody Divine par excellence.
It is the journey from Mindlessness to Mind to No-Mind. Mindlessness is represented by Duryodhana and his mafia. Arjuna symbolises the mind and is therefore asking so many questions and Krishna is the No-Mind, that is, freedom from the mind and its mischiefs.
Question: Can you please share with us which is the Mantra that you have chosen to be your favourite?
Response: I have got 4 favourite mantras. One of 6 vibrations, second of 12 vibrations, third of 24 vibrations and fourth of 36 vibrations. These all have a lot of details and it is not possible to go into it. There are ways to go from one to another and these are also in tune with the body system, how the body responds to these mantras in the initial state and how it is advancing to deeper states.
The main purpose of a mantra is freedom from Mind. Mana means mind and Tra means Traan, that is, freedom. The dictionary meaning of the word Mantra is ‘Freedom from the mind’.
But unfortunately, people become obsessed and neurotic by chanting and repeating words. We are not recommending such kind of things..
Uttama Shajavastha
Madhyama Dhyan Dharana
Japa Pathascha Adhama
Shastracharcha Dhama dhama.
Which means the natural state Sahajavastha is the supreme - Uttama .There are a lot of things to be said about the natural state''.
Madhyama Dhyan Dharana – Kriya Yoga, with the profound meditation etc, is only the middle.
Japa Pathascha Adhama – Repeating Mantras mechanically is Adham, the low because it may only dull the mind.
Shastracharcha Dhama dhama- Getting into the controversy of scriptures and interpretations thereof, the worst of all.
That is why we have Vedanta -Veda is knowledge, Vedanta is ending of knowledge – the beginning of “Knowing” or wisdom.
Question: Guruji, do you have an Ishta devata? Which is the ritual that fulfils you the most?
Response: This is a good question. When Lahiri Mahasay was asked what is your Ishta Devata, he said my Ishta Devata is Sthirattva . Sthirattva means stillness - Silence. Then the pundits who interviewed him said that there is no such Ishta Devata mentioned in the scriptures. He simply smiled and went away.
Question: Do you come in contact with your inner child? How is the child Shibendu?
Response: The inner child means No-Mind.. Yes it happens. That is why sometimes looking at me people think whether I am an adult or a child!!
Question: Which are the human qualities that you value the most?
Response: What is to be valued is the awareness of ‘What is’ from moment to moment. Not entanglement with ‘what should be’. That is the root cause of all our problems.
No motives, no images about oneself and about others and no beliefs, whether Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc…. These are the most profound human qualities.
Jai Guru, Jai Lahiri Mahasaya