1 May 2021
Synopsis of the Penguin classic ‘The Upanishads’ translated and edited by U.K. scholar par excellence, Valerie J. Roebuck.
Thirteen Upanishads have been presented.
I - Isavasya Upanishad .
Essence : Purnamadam ----- Purnameva Vasisyate. Mathematics of the Unlimited : Wholeness always prevails as WHOLE & HOLY.
II – Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.
1. Only ‘THAT’ Existence is Reality as Swa-Ha (Dissolution of ‘I’-ness).
2. Dama-Daana-Dayaa (Austerity/simplicity - Charity - Compassion).
III - Chhandogya Upanishad.
1. Story of Sage Uddaalak and his young son Swetketu — Thou art that, ‘You’ are nothing !
2. Jabala story.
IV - Taittiriya Upanishad.
Vowel Sound ‘A-U-M’ dissolving in ‘Sound of Silence’!
V - Aitareya Upanishad.
Connection of Life at Brahma-Randhra or Fontanelle.
VI - Kausitaki Upanishad.
Third dimension: Joy of ‘No-mind’. Not the corridor of opposites: Pleasure-Pain of the mind.
VII - Kena Upanishad.
‘Knowing’ following the fusion of ‘knower’ and the ‘known’.
VIII - Katha Upanishad.
Learning the Art of Living from the Lord of Death (Yama).
IX – Swetasvatara Upanishad.
Essence is: Saamkhya Philosophy of Sage Kapilacharya or Swadhyay teachings of Kriya Yoga.
X - Mundaka Upanishad.
Essence is Shaven head — as a symbol of renunciation and of being ascetic.
XI - Prasna Upanishad.
Essence is to question (Prasna): who is the questioner — the ‘I’-ness - leading to non-movement of ‘I’ — the psychological time, thus coming to an end.
XII - Maandukya Upanishad. Maanduka means ‘frog’.
Essence is that thought must move in discontinuity like frog-jumps.
XIII - Maitri Upanishad.
Essence : 1) Buddha’s main four teachings. 2) Be a lotus : not getting wet inspite of being in water. 3) Jagriti-Swapna-Susupta-Turya — four Human states of living.
Jai Valerie J. Roebuck