14 April 2021
Translated by Roy Melvin: The lost writings of Wu Hsin pointing towards the ‘Non-Dual Otherness’ — A short synopsis.
1) Nameless and formless Awareness, although people refer to him as Shibendu Lahiri, Guruji, Baba, Pranam, Jai Guru, etc etc.
2) A fortunate few have died before they died. And in doing so, they reached the Deathless.
3) One can not cure illness of the body by repeating the word ‘medicine’. ‘Japam’ cannot cure the illness of the mind.
4) ‘Being’ is enough. Then the right ‘Becoming’ is naturally, effortlessly, taken care of.
5) ‘What is’ is the Great River. It flows, yet it is there.
6) All talk of ‘Silence’ is mere noise.
7) Heart beats without a beater. Hair grows without a grower. Actions occur without an actor.
8) Flower teaches being. ‘Being’ what one is.
9) Perception is from the Melody of Silence.
10) God that ‘you’ are seeking is everywhere except where ‘you’ are!
11) Devotion to the teacher is not that important as the devotion to the teachings.
12) Stillness of the mind is the true solvent wherein conditionings get dissolved for enormous comprehension to emerge.
13) In pristine silence, the primal lucidity of Life makes itself known.
14) Wu Hsin has no desire —- except being an empty slate upon which writing appears and disappears.
15) No one can drink the word ‘water’. Understand Wu Hsin beyond his words to capture his wisdom, his heart.
16) While Wu Hsin has grown older and his body has changed —- Presence, the ‘Is’-ness, remained unaltered throughout!
17) Relinquish the focus on ‘I was’ and the focus on ‘I will be’, and remain fixed on ‘I am’.
18) Yanning Wei at last found peace! He lost his opinions!!
19) How much time is required to be what one already is?
20) Only a cessation of confusion takes One to clarity.
21) To know that One is, is natural. To know what One is, requires insight and investigation.
22) Silence is the support of all sound.
23) One is the Sun — not the clouds that obscure it. One is Life — not the mind that obscures it.
24) ‘I’ am nowhere! Also, ‘I’ am here & now!!
25) One need not wait to become what One already is!
26) Water evaporating, the body dying. This is no difference!
27) The fear of death is the penalty for accepting the idea of individuality.
28) Knowing illusions to be illusions is the way out of illusion.
29) Why visit Wu Hsin when what is sought is within?
30) The mind caught up in seeking misses that which is obvious.
31) Awareness of presence and the presence of awareness are one and the same.
32) Wu Hsin is the wind that blows away the smoke of the separative psyche ‘I’.
33) Do not analyze darkness in order to dispel it. Light a candle of clarity and all darkness is dispelled.
34) Disciple believes that there is a ‘Guru’, but Guru knows that there is none, inspite of the person being seen.
35) Right here, right now, is all that there is. Everything else is creation of the mind.
36) Time cannot be used to find the Timeless.
37) See through wisdom. It is transparent.
38) Nothing is to be gained by the study of Shadows.
39) How many identities you have created for yourself ?
40) Perceive what arises in every moment without reacting to it.
41) Breaking a habit begins by acknowledging the habit.
42) Arising of Insight is spontaneous.
43) Insight is lost when seeing is divided into the see-er and the seen.
44) One cannot learn swimming while remaining dry — can One know Sacred Division-free-Awareness while indulging in Divisive Consciousness ?
45) Questioning beliefs is the beginning of the bliss of Understanding.
46) When both the acceptable and the unacceptable become acceptable, living is effortlessly easy.
47) Being is One. Ways of being are infinite.
48) The words of Wu Hsin reveal the limitations of words. May only point towards wisdom beyond words.
49) Non-action of mind is the highest form of action.
50) Observer spends a lifetime in conflict with the observed. Let the two dissolve into the observing.
51) Eyes are not required for insight.
52) Seeing through the transitory is its mastery.
53) Clear sights stands free. Ignorance requires support.
54) Rejection of mind-time, that is, psychological time, heralds the onset of immortality, the Life.
55) Wu Hsin’s potion is : — Perceiving everything and identifying with nothing.
56) Many fear Wu Hsin, although he is old. He can kill inside you that which you so dearly hold to!!
57) Natural state shines effortlessly.
58) Arrival of ‘I-thought’ and the arrival of the world with all its worries, occur simultaneously. This is Wu Hsin’s open secret.
59) Perceiving thought prior to the imposition of a perceiver, is the natural state of the movement of perception.
60) Wang asked Wu Hsin : When I shall achieve your clarity ? Wu Hsin replied, when the when is dead !!
61) Knowing is inherent in being, just as heat is inherent in fire.
62) Peace is present in every moment. Remove the shroud of thought.
63) Question and the questioner dissolve in the aliveness of Awareness.
64) Wu Hsin did not help anyone to find God, just as he did not help any bird to find the Sky !!
65) Silence is not the absence of sound. It is the absence of your ‘you-ness’.
66) The final step is the giving up of all steps.
67) The need for ‘God’ decreases as Awareness increases.
68) What is your religion ? What color is the wind ?
69) Sanctuary is the silence, stillness, emptiness.
70) Those who don’t know, believe !
71) Description of teachings is not the teachings. The word fire cannot burn. The word water cannot be drunk.
72) ‘Being’ and ‘becoming’ cannot walk together.
73) Existence is essential essence, shining always.
74) Fiction of ‘I’-ness imagines heaven and hell. Be established in ‘Is’-ness and be in ecstasy here and now.
75) Mind thinks, but it does not ‘know’.
76) To lose the personal is to gain the totality of the Universe.
77) One cannot use the mind to transcend the mind. One need not wait to be what One already is.
78) True essence of Wu Hsin : — Knowing is all. Knowledge fails. Tear up the map. Let the journey begin within.
79) Assigning a name to the Un-nameable is too much! Stop this non-sense!
80) Wu Hsin is greedy: —- He takes away everything and he gives nothing!
81) So much is found after the cessation of seeking.
82) Eternal constant is the denial of everything that One is not.
83) One cannot drink water from the map of a Lake. Scriptures cannot sense the sanctity of the Sacred.
84) Highest sacrifice is the sacrifice of One’s ‘certainties’ created by conditionings. Not the sacrifice of thousands of Camels in Arab countries for ‘Allah’ in ‘heaven’. Dirtiest bigotries are called ‘belief in God’!
85) Only the bravest are willing to confront their own ‘absence’!
86) Unseen supports the seen. Flag is seen. Action of wind is not seen.
87) Many lamps. One light.
88) The end to misunderstanding is sufficient. Otherwise, your ‘understanding’ is merely a mental undertaking !
89) In the natural order, there are opposites, but no opposition !
90) Investigation leads to Illumination. Investigate even Wu Hsin.
91) Beyond the mind, all distinctions cease.
92) Absence of imagination reveals peace par excellence.
93) Eternity presents itself as soon as preoccupations are gone. See this, don’t ask ‘how’ !!
94) When Seeing happens, Seeming is gone! And One is in the infinite expanse of the Absolute!
95) Magic of ‘Is’-ness is obscured by mischiefs of ‘I’-ness.
96) Thoughts are not the problem. Ownership of thoughts is the problem.
97) For Wise man, ‘now’ is enough!
98) Wu Hsin does not provide answers. He removes questions and brings peace.
99) All words must be left at the shore to float on the water of wisdom.
100) Wu Hsin does not doubt when one meditates. But the goal indeed is to eliminate the ‘meditator’! Best way to avoid deep understanding, is seeking it ! Seeker then remains amused with borrowed mental undertakings of various sorts.
Jai Wu Hsin