Paris – France
9 April, 2014
Beauty is when self is not! Universe surrenders when Awareness awakens! Silence supersedes speed! Haste is waste! Hurry is worry!
I) From Kahlil Gibran:
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life.
They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love, but not your thoughts.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you!
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth!
II) From Kriyaban Sayandeep Gupta:
Real Intelligence cares for nothing. It is totally indifferent to everything, even to Understandings that come out of Silence. It has no thought of survival or death and perhaps this gives rise to a courage that is indescribable. This happens when the brain is completely silent and there is total mutation in the embodied consciousness. It no longer remains ‘my consciousness’ but is transformed into an awareness that is total and anonymous.
Awareness doesn’t discriminate, does not judge, isn’t opinionated. It is not mine or yours and hence is neither selfishness nor selflessness. It has no worries of tomorrow or burden of the past; has no thought of freedom or of the absence of it. With no cravings and desires, awareness stays amidst this illusory ‘Sansar’, but is not a ‘Sanyasi’. Awareness renounces or accepts nothing, as it is aware that everything is illusory, conjured by the master conjurer ‘I’ (which itself is non-existent!) Awareness is aloneness. Awareness is anonymous. It is not an experience! Awareness is eternal, existential vitality and veracity.
Awareness is ‘Adwaita’ but it doesn’t discriminate even between ‘Dwaita’ and ‘Adwaita’. It is ‘Vedanta’ but also peacefully co-exists with ‘Veda’. It is a total experience-less-ness, as experiencer is not there. It is total indifference too, in spite of total attention!
Awareness shares that which mind cannot see. Mind always indulges in ‘give and take’ and hence is driven by hidden motive. That is why sharing by mind comes with cunning calculations.
This letter is written with the help of words, but all this is really beyond words! This is the moment when the Shishya Process and the Guru Process are in unique non-divisive/ divine process of wholeness and holiness!
The Shishya bows down with his head at the feet of the Guru.
III) From Surrender-Incarnate, Gopi Menon:
Devotion – A Phenomenon – Not a Pleasure Movement.
The emotion of devotion is still an emotion or intention. And an intention of any kind is mind – a material affair. Emotions/ Intentions can be classified e.g. – Good or Bad, For or Against, Love or Hate and so on. Intentions are driven by motives. Even an intention to do something ‘Good’ is driven by a motive – of being recognised or praised or honoured. Such devotion is directed towards a personality. Such devotion may be the ‘give’ of the ‘give and take’ of a commercial transaction – Give devotion and Take blessings. It may be the subservience of a supplicant who ‘prays’ for something.
The emotion of devotion is a pleasure movement to gratify the ‘I’. ‘I’ am devoted to ‘my’ Guru. It is a conspicuous declaration of adherence to someone or something and is like the mark on the forehead or an ochre robe of a so-called sadhu. ‘I’ am holier than thou!
On the other hand, the phenomenon of devotion is a state. The devotional state is directed to Guru Process, not merely personality. It is an energy that flows as a consequence of centripetal swadhyay and a touch from that Otherness. This happens and cannot be done. It is perhaps just another word for the meditative state, the state of surrender.
Actions performed by emotional devotion may be either right or wrong depending on the motives. For example, ‘following’ the instructions of a Guru in transferring a communication instantly, without checking whether it is complete, correct and comprehensive has a wrong result. This happens because one is driven by the motive to show that one is extremely ‘devoted’ and ‘efficient’ in ‘following’ the Guru’s instruction. But what has been done is a mistake that requires correction again.
On the other hand, actions in a state of devotion and patience can never be wrong. In a state of devotion the process of checking the communication before transmitting it would have been automatic – not done by the devotee personality but by the devotee phenomenon.
Can this be seen? Can this be pondered upon?
In this connection, mention must be made of some more Surrender-Incarnates, who are playing important roles in rejuvenating Energy and Understanding (Chiti-Shakti).
1. Dr. Vikas Pathak (Varanasi)
2. Kumkumji & Annette (France)
3. Venkat Krishnan (Mumbai)
4. Shankar Pakre (Kolkata)
5. Kaushalya Raghunathan (Chennai)
6. Colonel Venkat Raman (Chennai)
7. Lenin Verghese (Kottayam)
8. Dietrich Holtz (Italy)
9. Natasha (Shanti Niketan)
10. Sunanda Walimbe (Pune)
11. Arun – Veena Londhe (Mumbai)
12. Lidia (Sofia)
13. Vera Doschenko (Moscow)
14. Irina (Nizhny Novgorod)
15. Milena (Plovdiv)
16. Moni Banerjee (Kolkata)
17. Kamakhya Prasad (Jamshedpur)
18. Mithilesh Choudhary (Jamshedpur)
Like 18 Chapters of Bhagawat Gita!
Wonder of Surrender in Aquiles Balle of Mallorca (Spain) is also astounding! He has translated all the messages of the web-site – into Spanish language by working day and night within a very short period.
Let the Messages ring the bell of the bliss of understanding without a shadow of brooding in any mental undertaking. Meditation is not day-dreaming or self-hypnotic idiosyncrasies by hip-hop charlatans. It is not cultivating stillness to become Super Rich! Messages are movements of meditation.
Jai Messages