Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 255 - Art of Wonder in the being of an Indian Devotee.

Maha Kumbha Mela site, Mouni Amavasya,

            Allahabad, India

10 Feb. 2013


The communication received from an Indian Devotee par excellence is reproduced below as message.


During the recent Maha Kumbh Retreat each of the ‘teaching sessions’, as they are called, were wonderful explosions of understanding pouring from the body of the Guru – full of the vigour of fresh inspirations as the Truth was being seen as it is from moment to moment, in a dimension of innocence without any interference from past conditioning.


The word ‘teaching session’ was felt as a misnomer because there was no teaching happening, only a sharing of the understanding right then & there. It was not a serving of cold, stored milk, but freshly drawn from the divine cow and flowing like a stream of warm nectar available to anyone who cared to partake of it. Here the divine cow was perhaps the Varanasi bull also, as dichotomy of all sorts seemed to have disappeared. Some devotees were afraid of the bull (Rudra Murti of Shiva phenomenon including its childlike pranks) and thus they missed the nectar!


A large number of persons who attended the retreat, miraculously remained untouched. There were, among the attendees, persons who were initiated long ago into this profound energy of understanding (Lahiri Mahasya's Kriya Yoga - not the silly affairs that are circulated in the spiritual market under similar banners), yet they remained preoccupied in their mental formations and formulations.


The heavy conditioning in these bodies resisted all attempts by the Divinity to touch them. Kriya was perhaps done by them without any Swadhyay ever happening.


These bodies just sought confirmation of what they already ‘knew’. They are people who like to have these ‘authenticated’ with quotes from dead people. They quibble about whether such and such was said by so and so or some other! Thus they did not LISTEN to WHAT was being uttered.


Mind remains amused within the prison of its own pursuits & paradoxes without feeling the need to break it open.


One wonders whether there would be so many people attending if the Guru’s great- grandfather had not been made known to the world through the famous book. Curiosity-ridden crowd is a menace to the profundity of utterances from the Guru Process.


Only the real listeners had heard the divine melody that was played through the body of the Guru which perhaps served as the flute of Krishna!


Suggestions from Guru Process : ---


1) Strength is not in stubbornness. Firmness may also be a fragmentation of a stupid mind engaged in egocentric activities. Pliability is very strong. Pliable tree stands in a gale. One needs pliability, patience and perseverance to face what-is from moment to moment.

2) Do not have the market mentality. Love & devotion is not marketable, not a give-and-take affair. Be a flame with love and devotion. Love is a strong flowing river. Nothing can spoil devotion --- all things are dissolved in it.

3) One must face 'what-is' intelligently. Be in a state of negation of 'what should be' to act intelligently. Be elastic; then there is no question of right or wrong as nothing can go wrong then! The right may not be what the mind desires.

4) Live simply, uninfluenced --- although everything and everyone is trying to influence. Without a deep quiet life, all things are futile.

5) Inner fullness far outweighs the outer. One can be robbed of the outer. But the inner riches of ''No-I-ness" are incorruptible, nothing can touch them!

6) To be free of both success and failure is the real thing. Not to look for a desired result and to do the things that one loves --- is the most beautiful way to live.

7) To take nothing for granted, not to assume anything, to be free to explore, is the way into the Unknown and Unknowable. And then only, can there be depth and understanding. 

8) Life is indeed strange. Happiness happens to one who is nothing!

9) Only man (human species) grieves, he alone destroys his own species in billions, he alone exploits and tyrannizes his neighbours. He is the most unhappy and suffers most. He is also the most inventive and the conqueror of time and space! In spite of his lovely temples, churches, cathedrals, mosques and Imambaras, he lives in his own darkness of false duality in the inner being. His gods are his fears and gratifications. His loves are his own hates 

10) Don't let the fire of awareness go out in the smoke of pettiness of the "I-ness".

11) Be tremendous --- be awake.


Jai Wakefulness. Jai Tremendousness

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