Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 266 - Energy of Understanding


Muscat (Oman)

  11th Sept, 2013



Some Perceptions:


1)       A religious place, centre or shrine does not comprise of mediocrities. It must be a place of deep energy, understanding and love. Honourable Sultan here is a man of deep insight, truth and tolerance. He was educated in India wherefrom he got his first University Degree. In England, he received his further Post-Graduate education. Here in Muscat, Hindu temples not only exist and function but even Muslims pay visit and offer coconut there (a symbol of surrender of ego)! It is a coincidence that this message is being written in a Holy Muslim Country with a Holistic, Non-Divisive and Divine Energy of Understanding. It is also a coincidence that exactly twelve years ago; a horrible crime ,unprecedented in history, was committed on this day  due to terrible entanglement with fragmented ‘religious’ undertakings of the mind.

2)      ‘Had been’ perpetuate in ‘would be’ and the Holy ‘being’---- existential and eternal energy of life and love - the ‘no-me’- languishes in the lurch.

3)      Cessation of this desire to change ‘What is’ - the awareness choice-less – is the gateway to godliness with all its peace, protection and prosperity.

4)      Beauty and benediction is, when self is not, ’I’ is not; except as a practical reference point for performing the daily tasks.

5)      Dying to psychological formulations and fragmentations from moment to moment is indeed the Living in fun and fullness every moment.

6)      Mental entanglements change; the most Sacred Existence is Changeless in spite of constant renewals.

7)      Look at the place where the treasure is, the truth is, that is, the messages which are not from the mind!

8)      Silence is limitless – the silence that emerges when ego-centric activities are not. Watch the movement of ‘me-ness’ without a ‘watcher’ interfering with its ‘I’ hiding behind! Then the supreme Silence surfaces which has nothing to do with the shoddy little contrived silence of the spiritual market.

9)      Meditation is not repetition of words, picturisation of images or cultivating virtues from various vulgarities of the mind. Meditation is not self-hypnosis, nor is it going into a coma by taking ‘Somarasas’ or modern drugs – which are enemies of life.

10)   Meditation is the death of the darkness of the mind to be in the dawn of the Light of Life.

11)   Limitless Silence is not an experience --- it is the Sanctity of Existence.

12)   Compassion is the tremendous intensity of ‘I-less-ness’, not ‘Idleness’!

13)   Meditation is not concentration of the mind – it is the whole-hog consummation of the mind.

14)   Meditation is not sedation. Prayer seduces and sedates artificially.

15)   Fanciful desires of the mind generate illusions, conditioned reflexes and all kinds of fakery.

16)   Prophet Mohammed was an Apostle of Non-Accumulation, of Non-Promotion of the separative psyche ‘I’. For Mohammed, ‘He’ is the Wholeness, the Holiness.


Jai Oman.  Jai Mohammed.


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