Paris, France
22 Sept, 2014.
A message has been earnestly solicited by a Kriyaban devotee from Ukraine which is war-torn at the moment. We claim to learn from our experience, which may be true in the centrifugal-technical area such as driving a car or running a machine in an industry or handling a computer. Otherwise, do we learn anything from our experience? It is said the we humans have had 5000 years of wars --- tribal wars, regional wars, world wars, religious wars, ideological wars, revolutionary wars, conqueror’s wars such as from Chengiz Khan, Nadir Shah, Alexander (the great!), Mohammed Gaznavi and many other such bastards --- during the past 5000 years! We have killed millions and billions of human beings on such occasions. Have we learnt anything from such experiences? We are still manufacturing weapons and preparing for further wars! Can learning be possible in our experience-structure which is the frame-work of ‘me’, the ‘I’, the ego, the mind, the vanity, the vested interest; the vulgarities of the network of greed - guilt - gullibility - gratifications, of fears - frustrations - fragmentations, of dependencies on the bullshits of various belief-systems of organised religions and their ideologies? Religion is the gathering of energy of understanding to see all the above facts and thus be free from all such stupidities instantaneously. Learning is possible, only in the state of absolute and unconditional freedom from the stranglehold of mind, for being available to the sanctity of life. Understand that Life is real, but mind is the myth and the enemy of Life. Please see that there is the distinction between Russian and Ukrainian, but no division as human beings.
Let us be available to:-
1 - Awareness, not attachment / aversion.
2 - Firmness, not foolish adherence.
3 - Flowering, not following.
4 - Intelligence, not ‘I-ness’.
5 - Joy of life, not pleasures of mind.
6 - Knowing directly, not knowledge borrowed.
7 - Lore of love, not lure of lust.
8 - Veracity, not verbalization.
9 - Insight, not ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’ & ‘You’, ‘You’, ‘You’.
10- Distinction, not division.
11- Repudiation for understanding, not rejection for undertakings.
12- Prevention, not prohibition.
13- Seriousness, not stubborn-ness.
14- Conscience, not cunningness.
15- Now-ness of life, not notions of mind.
16- Omniscience, not opposites.
17- Quest, not mere questions.
18- Response, not reactions.
19- Truth, not travesties.
20- Wisdom, not wickedness.
21- Yoga of life, not yelling of mind.
22- Zest for life, not zeal of mind.
23- Division-free Awareness, not drugs for addiction.
Jai Divinity --- the Division-free Awareness.