Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 291 - Continuity of thought is at the root of all mental pollutions


Montreal, Canada,

September 5, 2014


Mental pollutions are obviously the guilt, gullibility, desperate seeking of all kinds of gratifications, glorifications; escapes from facts and consequent entanglements with fancies and fantasies, lack of direct perceptions due to longings for paradoxes and pursuits for power and possessions; greed, fear and dependencies on bogus belief-systems of rotten religions – all this denying the virtue, vitality and veracity of Life, of division-free Awareness which is Divinity!


Is it possible to wake up to all this above-stated situation of our shoddy little psyche – the separative consciousness – without the pressures and prejudices of the ‘I’, the ‘me’, without the borrowed knowledge and the second-hand harangues of the charlatans of the ‘spiritual’ and ‘religious’ market? Is it possible to realize that each one of us, as ‘mind’ and the ‘me’, is both the society and the individual, is both violence and peace, is both pleasure and hate, is both fear and ambition-aggressiveness, is both domination and gentleness? Sometimes one predominates over the other and thus there is a great amount of imbalance in us all! We have always sought escapes from all this through cultivated faith in a god, in a savior, in a prophet, in swamis, anandas, giris, babajis, matajis, saijis, maijis, and so on! Belief-systems (as also disbelief-systems of communists etc.) invariably breed violence in many crude and subtle forms. Is it possible to be impartially aware of all this so that a mutation happens in the holy dimension of In-sight without the nasty activities of ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I, and ‘You’, ‘You’, ‘You’; without the notorieties of ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ and ‘they’, ‘they’, ‘they’?


Almost all of us had watched cartoons or to be precise animated cartoons. When there were no computers, cartoons were made by hand. Each sequence was hand drawn and then each frame was projected rapidly to give the viewer an illusion of motion. Even movies are made using the same principle and hence they are also called motion pictures. This illusion works because the brain perceives the whole thing as one continuous movement and not as discontinuities.


A very similar process goes on in the inner dimension which gives rise to the illusion ‘I’ – the ‘thinker’. Thought by nature is impermanent. It has a beginning and an end. Thought appears to be continuous giving rise to a thinker – the ‘I’ – because of its fast movements. And then this illusion becomes the ‘soul’ and other shits of the spiritual and religious market with all its conditioned reflexes.


However, thought knows that if the gaps grow larger, then the illusion might be broken so it requires other investments to strengthen and to perpetuate the ‘I’. That is why this ‘I’ tries to accumulate fame, wealth, power, knowledge, friends and so on, so that thought remains occupied with them without ever ending for a significant length of time. Even then thought is not satisfied and seeks for more permanency. And then thought as well as the thinker imagine ‘God’, ‘afterlife’, ‘heaven’, ‘hell’ to maintain continuity after death of the body!


Real divinity is in between thoughts! If the gaps between thoughts are long enough one might see that the thinker is an illusion. However, this cannot be seen at that moment when there is no thought, it will be understood when thought returns. This gap is a state of ‘no-thought’ or ‘no-experience’ and a real understanding is in this state which is actually a state of not knowing, because understanding that can be verbalized is again an undertaking of thought.


But thought is so afraid of this gap. It will do everything to avoid it. If we stop being afraid of being vulnerable, of ending - through understanding and seeing the whole process - then all conflict in mankind will cease for Compassion to be. Then one can die from moment to moment to resurrect each moment. And that is true living!


Discontinuity in movements of thought, from time to time, brings about profound perception of Divinity in a human being which is an existential enormity and is outside the domain of our silly ego-experience structure.


Jai Existential Enormity

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