11 Feb. 2021
A recent dialogue between a disciple and the Guru is shared below:
The Disciple’s Question:
Dear Guruji,
I have a question regarding the meaning of the term "sacrifice" in the Gita. In Chapter 4 verses 28-29 Krishna talks about offering material possessions but also actions like inhalation into exhalation…. I can understand “sacrifice” when it refers to material possession.
But how is offering inhalation into exhalation a sacrifice.
Contemplating on this leaves me with a question.
What is the deeper meaning of sacrifice?
The Guru’s Response:
Very Dear ….,
Your question is indeed deep and reasonable. The word ‘Yagna’ in Sanskrit language has different meanings in accordance with the context.
1) Sacrifice of materiel possessions suggesting that let Life (living) be need based and not mind (greed) based. So Charity to poor people is holy.
2) Steadfast anMessage d regular practice of different postures of the body to keep it fit and healthy as also chanting of holy words (called ‘mantra’ in Sanskrit) to calm down the agitations of the mind.
3) Practising, with care the art of meditation — choiceless awareness — to come out of the corridor of opposites in the mind for a glimpse of the OMNISCIENT - OMNIPRESENT.
4) An intense meaning of ‘Yagna’ is ‘Yataartha Gnyan’, directly knowing ‘what is’ — not collecting borrowed knowledge from scriptures and formulating ‘what should be’s to remain amused in the myth called mind, ’I-ness’ (separative psyche), which is Illness !!!
In Kriya-Yoga program, the evening of the first day is devoted exclusively to know and understand the profound teachings of SWADHYAY phenomenon.
On the second day, we learn profound Kriya-Practices — the most important one is called Kriya Pranayam. This is the neutralisation of Inhalation by exhalation and thus be available to an almost 'Breathless State’. I demonstrate this quite well despite the elderly age of my body. This is exactly described in the verse no.29 mentioned by you.
This is the deeper meaning of the word ’Sacrifice’. Sacrificing the Divisive Consciousness (mind) for waking up in the Division-Free-Awareness within our own inner being (Life).
Jai Yagna