This message was inspired during the recent Rishikesh Retreat (International) and was spontaneously dictated. Some dedicated senior Kriyabans recorded the same and presented this profound Message par excellence.
"Born of infinite Love, my words are words of understanding in the state of infinite Sorrow."
--J. Krishnamurti
Finite love is love of the mind, of the corridor of opposites of temporary pleasures and sorrows whereas infinite Love is Divinity Himself that is opposite-free or choiceless awareness which is Wholeness of Life.
Words of understanding indicate the insight of Life without any mental undertaking whatsoever, that is, they are not the products of cunning calculations of the mind. Words are used, as there is no other way to communicate. Please listen behind the words, beyond the words! Life and Love are not merely words! Words of understanding indicate towards Love — Life — Truth.
Finite sorrow is opposite of pleasure of the mind whereas infinite sorrow is limitless Love. A Sadguru in his Holistic Awareness sees that the whole humanity is suffering from the sorrow at the level of mind and ego. Without an iota of mind-process in the body, a Sadguru is the (a) part and parcel of the Existence. He thus empathises with that vast sorrow and suffering of mankind. This infinite sorrow and suffering of humans is due to tremendous lack of understanding of the nature of ‘I-ness’ —- Lack of the ‘’Swadhyay’’ — the first part of Kriya Yoga.
Varanasi Sage Kabir was in the same melody when had sung: ‘My neighbors and acquaintances remain gratified and amused in eating and sleeping, but I, in infinite sorrow, sit awake and weep!’
(Original Hindi language: Sukhiya Sab Sansar Hai Khave Aur Sove, Dukhiya Das Kabir Hai Jaage Aur Rove.)
Jai Sage Krishnamurti