New Delhi, India
At the outset, imagine a small beautiful snowy mountain. On both sides, there are towns and there are zigzag roads over the mountains to reach from one side to another. Then a tunnel road was made and people who took this road reached the destination much faster. Thus, those who adopt the truth of Lahiri-Lore of Kriya Yoga (Swadhyaya - Tapas - Ishwara Pranidhan) reach House of Divinity easily, effortlessly and quickly. Now the rhythms follow:
I. 4 ‘T’s between Guru & Discipleship Processes
1. Trust (Shraddha)
2. Time Together (Paryupasana)
3. Touch (Pranam and blessing by touching on the head & back)
4. Teachings (Vaani)
II. 3 ‘T’s – Purposes of Guru Dakshina
1. Travel
2. Treatment
3. Temple
III. 4 ‘P’s – Blessings of Kriya Yoga
1. Peace
2. Protection
3. Prosperity
4. Pardon (Not as helplessness arising from mind, but as affectionate response from Life)
IV. 2 ‘M’s – What is Meditation?
1. Me-deletion
2. (Not) Me-dictation
V. 2 ‘O’s – What is Life?
1. Opposites-free Awareness
2. Omniscience – Omnipresence – Omnipotence
VI. 15 ‘N’s for Kriyabans
1. No Pratikriya (reactions from mind), but Kriya (only actions from Life)
2. No Viyoga (disintegration), but Yoga (integration)
3. No Vibhakti (division), but Bhakti (division-free Awareness)
4. No Chittavritti (activities of mind), but Chaitanya (Universal Intelligence)
5. No mindlessness, but No-Mind
6. No wickedness, but Wisdom
7. No concepts, but Comprehension
8. No anger, but Affection
9. No agitation, but Awareness
10. No ‘I’-ness, but ‘Is’-ness
11. No notoriety, but Nobility
12. No following, but Flowering
13. No lust, but Love
14. No thought, but Truth
15. No beliefs, but Bliss
VII. 6 Paramitas of Bodhichetana (Buddha Awareness)
1. Generosity
2. Discipline
3. Patience
4. Diligence without deviation
5. Samadhi or sunyataa
6. Wisdom beyond words, behind words
VIII. 4 ‘P’s of Ganesh Baba
1. Pranav (Divine Sound of Silence [Aum])
2. Pranayam (Kriya Pranayam)
3. Posture
4. Pinnealisation (Attention at Kuthastha; third-eye)
IX. 2 ‘C’s
1. Cleanliness
2. Contentment
X. 6 ‘D’s
1. Dama (Simplicity / Austerity)
2. Daana (Charity / doing something for nothing)
3. Dayaa (Compassion)
4. Death,
5. Divinity,
6. Destiny Neither known nor unknown but Unknowable
XI. 3 ‘A’s
1. Awareness Choice-less
2. Astitwa (Natural state)
3. Aananda (Pure Joy)
XII. 3 ‘Y’s
1. Sharvaka(y)ana: Abandoning ‘what should be’, that is, awakening of ‘What-Is’
2. Bodhisattva(y)ana: Transforming rituals into the Joy of the Spiritual
3. Vajra(y)ana: Freedom from knowledge for the flowering of knowing All this leads to Natural State: -
Uttamaa Sahajaavasthaa
Madhyamaa Dhyan Dhaarnaa
Japapaathascha Adhamaa
Shaastra charchaa dhamaa dhamaa
When Krishna (Godhood or Divinity) speaks, time stands still; mind is time. Its activities (armies) stand frozen for Life – Divinity – Division-free Awareness – ‘No-mind’ – Un-nameable – Immeasurable – Omnipresence to flower!!!
Jai Rhythms