4 Dec. 2017
During the recent Retreat, based on Messages, held in South France ; an interesting observation took place in respect of the spelling of ‘AMERICA’ and ‘FRANCE’.
In ‘America’, there is the ‘Me’ as also the ‘I’. Do Americans engage themselves too much in ‘A’, that is, activities of ‘me-ness’ as also in ‘R’, that is, re-asserting ‘I-ness’ and their ‘complicated activities’ (CA) in various ways --- material as well as ‘spiritual’ ?
Does the word ‘FRANCE’ indicate Flowering (F) and Resurrecting (R) in Awareness (A) Negating (N) the Cunning Ego (CE) ?
Participants prayed that let cravings of ‘Me’ and clamour of wanting & getting of ‘I’ remain in proportion, so that AME means Abandoning Much Ego and RICA suggests renaissance of Intense Compassionate Actions for whole humanity.
Participants also prayed that let French people live in the true spirit of the word ‘France’.
Similarly, BHARAT (Sanskrit name of ‘India’) may mean Benediction of Holistic Awareness Rejecting Activities of Thought (to flower in Truth).
Population of America is 4.4 per cent of the global population, but Americans own 42% of the global guns. Mass shooters are 5 times more in America than anywhere else. (Quoted from an article in New York Times dated Nov. 9, 2017).
Let us now meditate on some indications towards the profound truth contained in Gyan Deepak Prasang (Uttarkand of Ramcharit Manas) :
1) Life is Divine --- Eternal, Existential, in Division-free joyfulness.
2) Awareness is truth, Attachment & Aversion are false. It is not easy to erase bondage of this falsehood.
3) Whatever one (ego) does or does not do, only complicates this bondage.
4) Darkness of divisive consciousness (‘I’-ness) --- the Ignorance --- does not melt into Innocence of Life and its Freedom. This process may, however, happen spontaneously by Divine Grace.
5) Butter is the Bliss emanating from the observation of Beauty dancing around in so many forms while performing daily tasks.
6) Ghee is the outcome of burning all borrowed knowledge and consolidation of perception as direct knowing.
7) Ghee then lights the lamp, dispelling the darkness of divisive consciousness; dawning in all-one-ness of Humanity.
8) Turiya (fourth) state of absolute and unconditional freedom, is then the cotton thread holding the flame of Light, that is, the Life Divine.
9) Thereupon flowers the Maha-Vakya – ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ realising the dissolution of the ego-centre into Eternity Universal.
10) And Chitta Vitti (Viyoga) ends for Chaitanya (yoga) to emerge.
11) This Chaitanya, this yoga, has to remain in the vigilance of veracity so that vanity & vested interests do not creep in surreptitiously to sabotage the energy of choicelessness.
12) Craving for ‘spiritual’ power is as ugly as the clamour for political positions or desire for material possessions. All this extinguishes the lamp of wisdom and understanding.
13) Understanding saves the light of life from the darkness of the myths of mind and thus confusions comes to an end.
14) Things of the mind and sensuality keep our life in the stranglehold of all kinds of illusions & delusions.
15) Mind and its wicked activities prevent perception of wisdom and share the same with others. Mind also makes us careless about doing Tapas (Kriya Practice) regularly. Even when this wisdom happens by luck and grace, the same is lost in the garbage of the myth called mind !
16) Way of wisdom and understanding is sharp and narrow. So one is likely to fall in the ditch of divisive consciousness (mind). In case,one survives to wake up in the Sacred Otherness, he/she is then liberated in the dimension of Life, in the dimension of Absolute and Unconditional Freedom, in the dimension of Joyful Existence, in the dimension of Division-free Awareness or Divinity.
Jai Gyan Deepak Prasang of Saint Tulsidas