Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 333 - On Free Will


Vladimir (Russia)

19 March 2017


There is no such thing as free will. There is either freedom or will. Freedom is holy. It is freedom from the stranglehold of mind and its mischiefs and mania by which it deceives others as also itself. Will is a good name for I or mine or ego and thus it is a bondage generated by all kinds of vanities and vested interests. It cannot touch the veracity and sanctity of Freedom which was referred by ancient sages as Nirvana or Moksha or Mukti.

Westerners tout the idea of God-given free will. Yet nowhere in the Bible does it say that He has given us anything of the sort. Religious dogma from many sources have cultivated the opposite of this: divine will. Thus, we have been told there is either our will or Gods will, and that usually our will is bad and Gods will is good. Good, bad, mine, His: these are all theories of the mind, the shoddy little I trying to endlessly complicate human existence. Freedom is the perception of Life by YOU, not the ceaseless churning of thought in youness. Freedom is division-free awareness, the absence of activities of the divisive consciousness.



1) In the natural state of Freedom, Energy Understanding (Chiti-Shakti or Chaitanya); there is the absence of fanciful I, of the will or the subtle ego, of any effort which is indeed an ego-trip not a trip towards eternity.

2) Perpetuation of thought is born out of neurological defect in the human body and brain. Thought, except in purely technical matters, is destructive.

3) Boredom is a bottomless pit, because of constant search for something more exciting, more interesting.

4) Thought through its constant interference with sensory perception destroys the living quality of Life.

5) Real Silence is explosive leading to wonder and mystery of the Otherness. Silence is the volcanic veracity of Life.

6) Seeking what should be, not seeing what is keeps man out of his natural state.

7) The human mind has many destructive inventions to his credit. By far, the most destructive one is perhaps the God out there!

8) The You is born out of fear, lives in fear, functions in fear as also dies in fear!

9) One must discover something most important by and for oneself. Liberation in Life then happens, leaving behind the myth called mind.



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