Thursday, 9th February, 2017
Meditation on Message 330:
1. Is-ness is a momentary state. It happens when thought (which is the activity of “I-ness”) is in abeyance. Is-ness and meditative state are the same.
A. In this state ALL conditioning ceases and hence there is direct perception of reality, unclouded by attachment, beliefs, dis-beliefs, biases, choices, dogmas, entitlement, fear, greed, humility, ideas, jealousy, kindness, likes/ dis-likes, tendencies, etc. that are all contents of human consciousness - the mind.
B. Though momentary, even one flash of this state is enough to protect one from the machinations of the mind for a long time; so full of energy is this flash!
2. Bigotry is a human characteristic (a particular type of “I”) and has nothing to do with the particular belief system one follows, is born in or brought up in.
C. A so-called Muslim human mind that has the nature of a bigot would be one even if he were born in a family of so-called Hindu or Christian beliefs.
D. So also a so-called devout Muslim human mind would be the same even if the body had been born (or even brought up from the infant stage) in a ‘Christian’, ‘Buddhist’ or ‘Hindu’ family. Such ‘devotion’ (‘bhakti’) is actually vibhakti.
3. So- called Humility is also “I-ness”; it is just the suppression of it; not its absence.
E. Humility exists only as long as “I” exists. When “I” is gone, there is neither humility nor pride.
The gap between thoughts - Life - is “Is-ness”; the state of Islam; of Buddha; of Chaitanya; of Christ; of the non- divisive; the Divinity
Jai Divinity
Jai Islam