Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

MESSAGE 318 - Presentation by Gopi Menon & his technical expertise


Paris, Thursday, (Guruwar)

26 May 2016


Essence of Harmony with Universal Energy can be condensed, perhaps, into the three Energies:


1.       Energy of Understanding

2.       Energy of Equanimity

3.       Energy of Surrender


Consider the following:


Energy of Understanding

Seeing ‘What-Is’

Absence of Conditioning



Absence of Separativeness



Absence of Thought

Energy of Equanimity

Action on ‘What-Is’

Absence of Motives

Energy of Surrender

Accepting ‘What-Is’

Absence of Desires


These are all interlinked. They are, in a way, the same.

Absence of any one of the Energies is absence of all of them. All are rooted in the absence of dichotomy between thinker and thought. The table can be read from right to left or left to right and be equally meaningful.


The Chakra below is yet another presentation of the whole phenomena. The spaces between the apexes of the triangles in the Chakra are the turmoil of thoughts. Gaps in the movement of thoughts is the Natural state of Life —- Division-free Awareness —- Divinity within the mortal body — the Immortal.                                                         



Commentaries from Guru-Process

1)       The ant has survived longer than humans.  What it did is co-operation, non-aggression, non-violence, living in harmony (yoga), in no-thought, in instinct - intuition - insight, and we do not have all this! We are supposed to be the best species! We are worse than Ants! We are the only species who kill themselves in millions and billions in world wars, through Hitlers, Stalins, Taimur-Longues, Chengiz Khans, Nadir Shahs, Mohammed Gaznavis, Osama Bin Ladens, Boko Harams, Sudanese, Talibans, ISIS and many others.

2)       Elephants and horses are the strongest and they are pure vegetarian. Why, the hell, do we kill animals for food when we know agriculture so well and can grow rice, wheat, corns, fruits, vegetables, almonds, walnuts, dates, soyas, lentils, quinoa, and so on? Animals kill to eat, as they can not grow crops.

3)       Can we work like an ambitious man without being ambitious?

4)       The separative psyche ‘’I’’ is the source of all human problems. All wars are the final exaggeration of the ‘’I-ness’’. And this ‘’I’’ is not real, it is an illusion, except for performing the daily technical tasks.

5)       Virtue cannot be practiced. It flowers naturally in the vitality of the energy of choice-less awareness. Cultivated virtue leads to vulgarity.

6)       Guru-Process is the lamp on the roadside. It only helps to walk towards wisdom, which is a relief from the wicked activities of the mind. Wisdom can not be organized. It is perceived, not conceptualised, in an individual human being. All ‘spiritual’ or ‘religious’ concepts and conclusions are cunning calculations of mind and its vanity & vested interests.

7)       Intellectual Understanding is not Insight.

8)       Learning happens in passive awareness without any mental pursuit and its concomitant paradox.

9)       Happiness, love, non-violence, humility are not something one can work for directly. They come as a by-product of enquiry into the ways of self, the ‘’I’’, the ‘’me’’, the ‘’ego’’, the mind and its manoeuvres. This enquiry reduces entanglement with all kinds of borrowed & second-hand mental undertakings to rise in the enlightenment of the pure energy of division-free Understanding, the Divinity; Life.

10)   Natural austerity is totally different from the shallowness of the self-imposed practice of austerities.

11)   If mankind does not transform inward through a mutation in the psyche (observer is the observed! Thinker is the thought! Experiencer is the experienced!), he will join the list of creatures that became extinct for they could not adapt themselves.

12)   Religious mind has no beliefs, no dogmas, no secret selfish motive, no pre-conceived image about oneself or another. And thus a truly religious mind is also the scientific mind. But the scientific mind may not be the religious mind!

13)   To discard spiritual inquiry along with all religious beliefs in the name of secularism is like throwing away the baby with the bath-water!

14)   Are we merely very complex computers? Can computers have insight and awareness? Can computers have sense of beauty, affection, love? Are we completely trapped in our memory and conditioning? How does an illusion end?

Jai Gopi, Jai Guru.

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