Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 310 - Some Perspectives


Paris – Delhi Flight

13 Oct. 2015



1.       Carry on, carry on, knowing that one is available in the field of false fragmentation which is this ‘I-ness’, the mind, the ego & its caprices, where nothing good is going to grow gracefully; because it is not the field of the bliss of Freedom, Life & Love! It is indeed the area of guilt, gullibility, greed, gratification and dependency on a shoddy little ‘god’, along-with despicable vanity and many subtle vested interests!

2.       If one wakes up to this mental situation of ours then carrying on like this will be very difficult and then, a transformation may flower with the fragrance of freedom from the stranglehold of the mind leading to Swadhyay, Tapas and Ishwar Pranidhan in the dimension of Life.

3.       Nobody tells you from the depth of their being; from the bottom of the heart, that they love you; neither your parents; your brothers or sisters; your sons or daughters; your wife; your friends; none! Nobody wants to see you as you are. Everyone demands you to become someone they imagine according to their expectations, obsessions, specifications, standards and cynicism. They become cynical, because they too were cheated that way!

4.       Ego-self has enormous capacity to hide itself through many capricious and cunning manoeuvres. But we, as life, have tremendous capacity of awareness to rise above our prejudices, hurts, ambitions, many conditionings as also other stupid borrowed concepts of the mind.

5.       The essence of religion, in the deepest dimension, is the re-incarnation as a consequence of ending of all psychological suffering which is the sadistic pleasure of our self-pity. To live is to be self-reliant in our energy of enquiry into activities of the self, the ‘me’, the mind, the emotions, the ego.

6.       Organised religions have lost their significance and relevance. They are going to collapse sooner than we can imagine. There is no future for regimented proclamations of truth. All this is now a hindrance to Divinity: THE DIVISION-FREE AWARENESS HOLISITIC. Let the orbit of human energy of understanding reveal itself to every serious enquirer. Let such people be available for the salt of the Earth.

7.       Once many years ago two pious Canadian ladies, interested in matters spiritual, came all the way from Canada to Saanen (Switzerland) to listen to Talks by J. Krishnamurti. Before the Talks began, they went shopping to Gstaad – a nearby town – and they discovered JK in an expensive shopping mall selecting neck-ties. This made them conclude that such a person could not be ‘spiritual’ and there was no point in listening to his talks for which they came foolishly all the way from Canada. So they left Saanen by the next train to Zurich and thereafter flew back to their country!


Jai Perspectives



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