Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 307 - Sage Tagore II


Paris (France) 15 Aug. 2015

Indian Independence (from Britain) day.



1.       Let me deck thee with trophies, garlands of my defeat. Let there be nothing in my power to escape unconquered.

2.       Let my pride go the wall, let my mind burst its bonds in exceeding pain. Let my emptiness sob in music. Let the stone (of the separative psyche) melt in tears.

3.       Let me understand that the hundred petals of a lotus will not remain closed for ever and the secret recess of honey will be bared. Let an eye gaze upon me and summon me in silence to be in the sanctity of silence.

4.       Let me not care to know the meaning of songs you sing to me. Just let my heart dance in ecstasy and euphoria. What is this sudden sight that has come upon me tonight? Your Feet is on every star of the Sky! My whole body has thrilled with His touch who is beyond touch. And if the end comes now, let it come!

5.       The child cries out when from the right breast the mother takes the child away to feed from the left breast. But the very next moment is again the same consolation for the child. Life is God-mothers right breast. And death is Her left breast. Life and Death are no two.


Perceptions :

1)       Attachment is gratifying, but perceiving pain in it, we want to be gratified in another manner through detachment! Seeking gratification continues unabated. That is the name of the game of the mind, the me. And Life, Love, Perception, Understanding languishes in the lurch. Is it possible to transcend both attachment and detachment and thus float in the ocean of division-free Awareness which is the only Divinity ?

2)       Through the transient, see the Real, the Eternel. There is no path to it, for it is the Ever-present.

3)       Me and mine is time. The concern of me over its own state generates time psychological. The me is the cause of ignorance and sorrow and the effect is the pursuits of power, position, possessions and prominence. This me is perpetuated by desire and fear, past memories, present resolutions and future determinations. The me is a wheel within the wheel of pleasure and pain, enjoyment and grief, love and hate, ruthlessness and gentleness. The me remains confined within the corridor of opposites. A blast in no-me is awakening in Omniscience, Omnipotence, Unnameable, Immeasurable.

4)       In charity, the giver and the receiver must feel no sense of obligation, nor the sense of superior giving to the inferior, nor a sense of shame or glorification. It must be given out of the fullness of heart, of love, out of respectful regards. There must not be any barrier of separation. Without love there is no charity.

5)       Me-ness is only a center of craving and hence the cause of illusion. Any question arising out of this illusion must be illusory as well as the answers to them.

6)       By not asking for love, you have love! The more you ask, the less you will have; and the less you ask, the more your will have!

7)       There is only one Reality, the Supreme without a second. There is only one humanity, one righteousness; and the way to its realization does not lie through any other person except through yourself! Wake up to your own deliverance, and then you will deliver the world from its confusion and conflict, its sorrow and antagonism. Do not cling to your petty belief-systems, to your phony god, to your brain-washers (leaders and gurus); if you do, you will breed ill will, multiplying catastrophes.

8)       The immeasurable, the unknowable is realized in love and not in the deep, subtle defences of the intellect. When reason has exhausted itself, in that super-rational state, this love that dissolves all problems is perceived.

9)       All living is a tension, and it is in right tension of the strings of Veena (vitality, virtue and veracity) that true melodious note come! Do not bother about tension in relationship, convert it into a beautiful music of the Most Sacred.

10)   Freedom from the vulgarity of I-ness is the vitality of life, freedom from vanity and vested interests of the mind is the virtue of the living quality of life. And freedom from verbalization of intellect is the advent of the veracity of Insight!

11)   You are encased in your capacities and gifts, and they are dangerous friends!

12)   Awareness is silent and choiceless, in which comparison and judgement have totally ceased.



Jai Sage Tagore



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