Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 246 - Tagore in Trance of Nature.



6 August 2012


 I- Eso Go, Jweley Diye Jao Pradipokhaani

Bijono Ghaurero Koney, Eso Go,

Namilo Sraabono Sondhyaa, Kaalo Chhayaa

Ghaunaaye Boney Boney.

Aano Bismauyo Maumo Nibhrito Protikkhaaye

Juthimaalikaar Mridu Gaundhey ---

Neelo Bausono-Aunchaulo-Chhaayaa

Sukhoraujoni-Saumo Meluk Monai.

Haariye Gechhey Mor Baanshi,

Aami Kon Surey Daaki Tomaarey.

Pauthey Cheye-Thaakaa Mor Dristikhaani

Sunitey Paao Ki Taahaar Baani --

Kompito Baukkhero Paurosho Meley Ki Saujolo Samirauney.



Let the little lamp in one's lonely room be lit by a Presence Mysterious, when the monsoon-evening is descending intensely and immense black clouds are gathering around the trees nearby!

Let the Wonder widen in this wakeful alone-ness amidst the delicate flower-fragrance pervading all around!

Some blue sky is still visible generating a supreme peace in one's inner sky-ness!

One has lost one's 'flute' in the fragmented psyche! Yet one's murmuring melody is beckoning Thee!

Eyes are wide open and ears are eager, waiting without a trace of wanting of the mind, in order to see and listen to Thee. And a trembling Touch is tingling in one's being. Eyes are tearful like the rain-soaked weather outside!


II- Ei Lobhinu Saungo Taubo,

Sundauro Hey Sundauro!

Punyo Hole Aungo Maumo, Dhonyo Holo Auntoro

Sundauro Hey Sundauro.

Aalokey Mor Chokkhu Duti  Mugolho Hoye Uthlo Phuti,

Hrid Gaugoney Paubon Holo Souraubhetey Maunthauro

Sundauro Hey Sundauro.

Ei Tomaari Pauroshoraagey Chitto Holo Ronjito,

Ei Tomaari Milon Sudhaa Roilo Praaney Sonchito.

Tomaar Maajhey Emni Korey Nobin Kori Lauo Je Morey

Ei Jaunomey Ghautaaley Mor Jaunomo-Jaunomaantauro

Sundauro Hey Sundauro.


An Astounding Beauty and Bliss accompanied one all of a sudden! Body got sanctified, Gratitude blasted in! Light made the eyes to flower as lotus in wonder! And a fragrance overwhelmed and spread all over the sky-ness of the heart! A strange Touch revealed the vast vibrating awareness without measure and division. And the nectar of this compassionate contact resurrected Life from the stranglehold of the mind. The renewal is now happening again and again by virtue of the repeated dissolution of the false 'I' every now and then.


The following two (III and IV) have been translated, in poetry, by a Bengali devotee staying in Canada:


III- Jodi Tor Daak Suney Keu Naa Aasey Taubey Ayaklaa Chaulo Re;

Ayaklaa Chaulo, Ayaklaa Chaulo, Ayakla Chaulo Re.

Jodi Keu Kauthaa Naa Kauye, Orey Orey O Aubhaagaa,

Jodi Saubaai Thaakey Mukh Firaaye Saubai Kaurey Bhauye;

Taubey Pauraan Khuley O Tui Mukh Futey Tor Moner Kauthaa Ayaklaa Baulo Re.

Jodi Saubai Firey Jaay, Orey Orey O Aubhaagaa,

Jodi  Gauhon Pauthey Jaabaar Kaaley Keu Firey Naa Chaaye -

Taubey Pauther Kaantaa O Tui Raukto Maakhaa Chauron Tauley Ayaklaa Daulo Re.

Jodi Aalo Naa Dhaurey, Orey Orey O Aubhaagaa,

Jodi Jhhaur-Baadoley Aandhaar Raatey Duaar Dyai Ghaurey Taubey Baujraanauley

Aapon Buker Paanjor Jwaliye Niye Ayaklaa Jwaulo Rey.




If no one answers your call walk alone!

Walk alone, walk alone, and walk alone!

If none talks to you, O you luckless,

If they are fearful and turn their faces,

Be outspoken and speak your mind

All by yourself to all mankind.

If all turn back, O you unlucky and lone,

And none follows your difficult path of stone,

Then, Trample with your bleeding feet, the thorns, all alone!

O you luckless, if there be no light,

If all doors are shut in dark-stormy-night,

Should lightning strike, burn alone in its light!



IV- Aji Jhaurer Raatey Tomaar Obhisaar

Pauraan Saukhhaa Bondhu Hey Aamaar.

Aakaash Kaandey Hautaash Saumo,

Naai Jey Ghum Nauyoney Maumo -

Duar Khuli Hey Priyotaumo, Chaai Jey Baarey Baar.

Bahirey Kichhu Dekhitey Naahi Paai,

Tomaar Pauth Kothaaye Bhaabi Taai.

Sudur Kon Nodir Paarey, Gauhon Kon Boner Dhaarey

Gobhir Kon Aundhokaarey Hotechho Tumi Paar.


O my dear Divine!

In this stormy night

It is your love-tryst

Soul-mate mine,

Dear friend of mine.

Thy sky wails in distress

And my eyes are sleepless.

Opening my door, Darling,

Again and again I'm searching.

I can't see anything outdoors.

I wonder where is the path of yours?

In which distant river-side!

In which dreary forest's side!

In darkness deepening,

How are Thee traversing?


Perceptions :

1)    The obstinacy of our own vanity and our vulgar vested interest is destroying us. We have tried to end it through tolerance, conciliation, through the exchange of words and many face-saving devices --- but we remain entrenched in our stupid conditioning and cultural inputs.


1)2) Freedom does not lie in the vanity of principle and formula. These deny love & understanding. Meditation is flowering of love and natural flow of understanding. Awareness established in freedom from choices, acts. And this action is love, love is action. All else is reaction from divisive mind.


1)3) 'I' is divisive, fragmentary, and whatever it does will be separative, reactionary. However much it may explain philosophically or religiously, in it there will always be the seed of violence, destruction and war. 'I' is not the way to the new. 'No-I', 'meditative-ness', opens the door to that which is everlastingly new, that cannot be verbalized or captured within the network of the known – the old. Meditation is holy and holistic. Meditation is the dignity of autonomous alertness --- not the divisive, destructive & conspiratorial activities of ambition and aggression of the 'mind-I' complex. Meditation is not the tricks and traps of expectation and ego-trips with all their ‘experiences’ emanating from conditioned reflexes from the pressures and prejudices of the past, the old.

1)Marketed meditation is not truth. To see the truth in the futility and falseness of the fragmentation called 'I' so that it falls --- is the sanctity and sacredness of the movement of meditation. Successfully marketed meditation only props up brothels, asylums for neurotics and lunatics and centers for tortures and exploitations. Marketed yogis are viyogis (camouflaged separative psyches) par excellence. And marketed Kriyas are Pratikriyas (conditioned and compulsive reactions) in the worst form.


1)4) 'I' is necessary and has utility in the operation of anything mechanical, material, technical, developmental and so on, as there is the dichotomy between the subject and the object, between the performer and the performed upon. It is possible to get rid of the psychological 'I', the 'me', the hideous personality of selfishness; even though the practical 'I' would still be available to function with perfection and excellence in one's daily tasks in the technical world.


1)5) There is only one freedom: it is the freedom from the known --- freedom from experience! There is no new experience (except in matters technical)! It is the old, the 'I', that says it is 'new' and thus it drags the 'new' within the fold of the old and a renewed version of the activity of the same old 'I' begins with more disastrous consequences. Beauty and love lie in freedom from the borrowed knowledge (Gnyat Se Mukti, which is Gnya-na i.e. no knowledge or freedom from the burden and bondage of knowledge).


1)6) What are you being educated for? You are cultivating a specialized mind working in fragments of the wholeness of life. In the future, the computer will be able to do all this infinitely better than you can. Education may not mean just transferring a printed page to your brain. It is opening the doors of perception to the immeasurable movement of life. Education means living happily and freely --- not with comparison, competition, confusion and chaos --- but in benediction and beatitude. Education may mean a different way of life in love, setting the mind free from its own conditioning. In this dimension of life and love, there may be actions (not reactions), which will bring about true relationship among human beings.


1)7) Reality is very peculiar! It is there when 'you' do not look for it! But 'you' go on looking for it with greed and then what you capture in the sediment of your greed is not Reality! Reality is a living thing, but the unreal mind is so eager to grasp it that it makes it into a dead thing! And then there are charlatans of the spiritual market who will tell you 'paths' to this rotten & stinking dead thing and you follow them to keep yourself amused in your 'spirituality'!


1)8) Be in the other shore. Be nothing and thus everything! The other shore is also this shore when there is no 'I', no Chittavritti, and thus there is Intelligence or Chaitanya. And then there is the natural existential state of energy (not 'power') without any entanglement with the egocentric pursuits or paradoxes.


1)9) Habit is not to be resisted. Resistance feeds the habit, which does not mean that one gives latitude to the habit or goes on with the habit. Intelligence emanating from choiceless awareness ('no-I') withers habit as also the resistance to the habit. This Intelligence is sacred and therefore must not be touched with unclean hands, not to be exploited for trivial little games of the 'I-ness'. If intelligence (Chaitanya) is not there, then the wheel of habit (Chittavritti) is all that one has got!    


Jai Trance of Nature

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