Kanaka (Crimea, Ukraine),
June 7, 2012
1. There are pujas, rituals, gods, priests, temples, churches, mosques, synagogues, centers of so many sects, cults, societies, groups, fellowships, religious and spiritual organizations, their leaders, holy men and women, their preaching and practices, sermons and sacred ideals, their mantras, yantras and tantras and so on and on. Are these all false and useless? Your devastating teachings around the world, your hard-hitting messages, your perceptions and commentaries, your awareness and analogies, as expressed in words from time to time, make me feel that perhaps all these are quite false!
Yes, all these are false! If these had been true, our planet would have been a paradise by now. All that goes under the banner of religion, God, spirituality etc. are mere ego strategies, giving continuity and permanency to the illusory fragmentations called “I”, “I”, “I” and “you”, “you”, “you” (Chittavritti) – thus keeping the divine awareness (Chaitanya) at bay. All these have made mankind the filthiest species on the planet! We are the only species who kill our own species in billions in world wars and through such “great” warriors as Alexander, Chengis Khan, Taimur Lang, Nadir Shah, Mohammed Gaznabi, King Ashok (the latter-day Buddhist), Hitler, Stalin, Mao-Tse-tung, Pol Pot and so on! Neither religion, nor Idealism, nationalism, communism have stopped wars and wanton killings. Holy priests encouraged wars and blessed the Weapons of War! Religions have divided humanity. Isolated Governments cherish their insularity. The scientists serve governments. The preacher is lost in his words, images, belief-systems, motives and self-importance. The only utility of religion, gods, spirituality seems to be providing poor and paralyzing consolations and assurances and helping the guilty and the gullible to make peripheral adjustments and marginal embellishments in the agitated and disturbed psyche – full of ache and agony, animosity and antagonism. An ambitious man is not a peaceful man, though he may talk of peace and brotherhood. Those who belong to any organized belief-system are conditioned to a world of leaders, saviors, guides and examples. And when you’re following, you are merely fulfilling your own ambition, whether in this world, or in the world of ideation and the so called spiritual or other world. One spends many years in acquiring borrowed knowledge through schools, colleges, Universities, Institutes; but no one spends even a single day in the dimension of pure, non-divisive, choiceless observation of mental affairs, without running into the false dichotomy between the observer and the observed in the inner psyche!
2. Shall I adhere to my Hindu tradition in spite of my being so far away in another country?
Awareness is not adherence or aversion. Conversion to other tradition is not comprehension. The energy of Understanding and intelligence which is freedom from the conditioned mental undertakings, is most important. Mental investments in traditions, customs, cultural inputs and conditionings may be illusions, but there is no need to indulge in the gratification of the “I-ness” in being anti-traditional, anti-customary, anti-cultural and anti-conditioning. Let there be enormous gathering of energy of impartial intelligence to be in the domain of “What is” without delving into “What should be” under the pressure and prejudice from the past accumulations of the mind.
3. Why truth sometimes appears to be bitter and unpalatable?
If we observe impartially, we may discover that it is the network of the images about ourselves which prevents us to face and see the fact (truth) as it is. Then we feel bitter and start grumbling – thus disturbing peace and tranquility in ourselves. If one is free from harboring fanciful images about oneself and others, if one is free from hidden motives and ambitious pursuits; then the truth or fact can never be unpalatable.
4. How can we stop being envious?
If you want to be envious, go ahead and see the hell that happens. Don’t ask “how”. All “how”s are just ego-trips and thus modified continuity of the same envy under a different garb. If you see something dangerous – you just run away from it. You don’t ask anybody how to run. Begin in your inner being, See the unnecessary break-up between “me” and envy which becomes the protective mechanism of all mental pollutions such as envy, greed, guilt, fear, frustrations and so on.
When man is living at such speed, with such tension for achieving the so-called success, then the anxiety arising therefrom would make perceptions disappear! Then to succeed is to fail!!!
Blessings to Anup