16 March 2012
At the suggestion of a deep devotee from Bulgaria, this message emerges connecting the process in Rumi and in Rabindranath. A beautiful Swadhyay, which happened in the body of an Indian devotee, is also presented here to start with.
" This is a strange state when the body moves amidst the world’s cacophony in its own silence.
The ears hear all sounds and the tongue continues to speak. Thoughts support the body; but through it all – this silence.
Silence – that is not the absence of sound. Indeed, silence in spite of sound; beyond all description – this silence.
This is an emptiness that is not the emptiness of space; this is not an absence of anything. Incapable of finding a word for it one calls it – silence.
Neither absence nor presence, neither one nor another; There is no one, no two, no none; there is only – Silence. "
People babble about balance, modesty, good behavior.
I secretly wrote on one of their doors:
You think you know, but you're long dead; you think you see?
Mind ate your eyes.
Commentary :
Mind is not the real you (Life). It is conventional & conceptual 'you-ness', which is blind to life and is enemy of life. It is the death of living quality of the natural state of life! When life is in-charge; balance, modesty and good behaviour occur spontaneously & naturally. But when mind dominates, these qualities become cultivated and contrived affairs with fakery, hypocrisy, cunningness and mischief. Mind blinds insight of eyes!
There is another language beyond language
another paradise beyond Heaven and Hell.
Our hearts live through another heart.
This, at which we are, shines at its own place, which is no place!
Post-linguistic separative consciousness has nothing to do with non-divisive holistic dimension of Awareness beyond the corridor of opposites, which is obscurity. Let life in us resurrect in the dimension immeasurable and un-namable. The 'otherness' has nothing whatsoever to do with 'this-ness'.
With love, deeper than soul, I love you.
Way beyond the real, I have.
The 'no-I' (referred here as 'I') is the life, the love, which is deeper than the false 'I-ness', which masquerades as 'soul'. The 'no-I' may flash beyond the concepts of 'I-ness' about reality.
The religious law and Spiritual Community is a path for the one who has arrived.
But the truth is beyond knowledge.
Religion and spirituality may just be ego-strategies for those who claim they are holy men or men of 'God'. But the "otherness" is neither known nor un-known -- It is Unknowable!
Don’t seek myself in me - I am not myself.
I have this Me, deeper than myself.
'No-I' is the Real Existential Vitality. 'No-me', the real Me, exists without touching the experience structure. This 'no-self' is the Real Self -- not the shoddy little 'my-self'.
They say Suleiman understands the language of birds.
There is one Suleiman, deeper inside him.
One who is indeed understanding, is beyond all understandings from the net-work of mental undertakings. Understanding the language of birds is still from the mind. Comprehending Oneself comes from the compassion of 'no-mind' --- the Chaitanya.
Yunuz words are blood and fire.
There is a slave at the door, deeper than the Sultan.
Wisdom of 'no-mind' is the blood of life and fire of awareness. A slave who blasts into this awakening transcends the Sultan.
Everywhere I look, you are.
Where to put you, deeper than myself?
Diversity between the 'you-ness' and 'I-ness' is a delusion to be dissolved in Divinity -- the all pervasive non-divisive Awareness of humanity.
He is beautiful, but has no external features ..
Could there be a scar beyond features?
Formless can flash (as scar) in the sanctity of the "otherness". But a scar of the mind is not the sacredness of 'no-mind'.
Love is not a Muslim-Be sure of that.
In the religion of love there is no profanity or belief.
When you love, body, mind, soul and heart not even exist.
Become what love is and there never we will not share.
A Muslim is the aggregate of the pressures and prejudices from the accumulated conditioning and cultural inputs. Love is not the pursuit or paradox or profanity or perversion of the subjective psyche 'I'. Love pervades the whole Existence beyond the limited field consisting of the body-mind complex and its projected postulates such as 'soul' or 'heart'!
Don’t seek the water, increase your thirst.
Seeking stops seeing. Becoming blocks Being. Truth is the eternal 'thirst' from 'no-mind'.
Knowing that you do not know and you may know nothing.
Opens a small window-light between your heart and it and keeps it wide open:
Messages come and go to infinity.
From Him to You, from You to Him, from Him in You to You in Him.
To be in a state of 'not-knowing' is to be available to highest Intelligence. To be in a state of Innocence dispels all ignorance. And a strange conversation commences through messages and melodies between 'one' and the 'otherness'!
Knowledge divides. Practice unites. |
Concepts divide. Comprehension unites. |
Postulates divide. Perception unites.
Jai Rumi