Paris Christmas
25 Dec. 2011
Aamaar Hiyaar Maajhe Lukiye Chhiley
Dekhtey Aami Pai Ni, Tomai Dekhtey Aami Pai Ni.
Baahir Paaney Chokh Melechhi, Aamar Hriday Paaney Chai Ni.
Aamar Saukol Bhalobasay Saukol Aaghat Saukol Aashay
Tumi Chhiley Aamaar Kaachhey, Tomaar Kachhey Jai Ni.
Tumi Mor Anando Hoye Chhile Aamaar Khyalai -
Anondey Tai Bhulechhilem, Ketechhey Din Hyalai.
Gopaun Rohi Gobhir Praaney,
Aamaar Dukkha Sukher Gaaney Sur Diyechho Tumi,
Aami Tomaar Gaan Toe Gaai Ni.
Life remains dormant due to the overwhelming domination of the myth 'me-ness'. This 'me' in its pre-occupation with the centrifugal humdrum, is not available to the centripetal Holiness. Life just oversees, but does not interfere with the activities in the separative consciousness with its hopes and hurts, with its pretensions of 'love' under conflicting confusions of the 'me' and its acquisitiveness and attachments. But this 'me-ness' never melts for the awakening of the Life Divine --- such is the stupidity of the divisive psyche 'I'.
And when this melting happens by the Grace, Life resurrects and plays in joyful existence! But the 'me' converts this also as an experience of pleasure movements and thus again remains lost to the Life and its benediction. And the song of Life with its most profound melody remains obscure and covered up because of the mischief of the chaotic drum-beatings of the 'me-ness' generating again the sorrow and the pleasure of the mind.
Shes Nahi Jey, Shes Kautha Key Bolbe?
Aaghaat Hoye Dyakha Dilo, Aagun Hoye Jolbe.
Saango Holey Megher Pala Suru Haube Bristi Dhala,
Baurof-Jauma Sara Holey Nodi Hoye Golbe.
Phurai Jaa Taa Phurai Shudhu Chokhey,
Aundhokaarer Periye Duar Jaye Choley Alokey.
Puratauner Hridoy Tutey Aapni Nuton Uthbe Phutey,
Jiboney Phul Photaa Holey Mauroney Phaul Pholbe.
In the vast existential energy all pervading, there is no place of any ending! Collision generates fire, which cooks food to sustain life in bodies. Clouds end up in enormous rains for ecology and evolution of life. Hard Ice-formation ultimately melts in wonderful rivers galore! What ends, merely seems to end! Darkness ends with the advent of light; darkness is non-existential! Light exists. The illusion 'I' (Chittavritti) is non-existential, illumination of Intelligence (Chaitanya) exists. Old fades away for the flowering of the new. The greatest reward of life is the Death for Life to be!
1) If one does not want anything except the basic physical needs of food, clothing and shelter --- then what would happen? One will not harm or exploit any one! There won't be any self-seeking at any level. Basis of relationship would be love --- not any hidden or cunning motive to influence or dominate. And right action, without any sort of reaction whatsoever, would always emerge. Body would be in life -- not in any stupid solidification of mind!
2) The 'I', the 'me', the ego, the self or whatever be the nomenclature, has a tremendous momentum gathered over thousands of years and it does not go easily. It hides behind 'God', 'Enlightenment', 'Divine sound', 'Kundalini-rising', 'tongue-rising', 'asceticism', 'meditation', 'yoga', 'bhakti', 'fasting', 'charity', 'bhajan', 'kirtan', 'spirituality', 'idealism of esoteric and cultist groups', 'hallucinations', 'visions', 'beliefs', 'disbeliefs', 'conditioned reflexes as experiences', 'nationalism', (tirbalism), 'culture', 'nudism', 'self-torture', 'self-pity', 'addictions', 'motives', 'fears', 'guilt', 'images', 'comparisons', 'rivalry', 'sexual indulgences as tantra' and what not!
Can any method or technique liquidate the 'self'? At best there may be a loosening process. Swadhyay is the master key to open the door of separative-divisive-fragmented consciousness (containing its contents and their spurious splits as various forms of 'I') to enter into the eternal sacred Divinity. Let the holy Kriya practice be not a pursuit or promotion of 'I' or of any sort of 'conforming and becoming' of the 'I-ness'. Efforts of 'I' are merely ego-trips towards further fragmentations, and more illusions. Turn back on the whole spiritual market! Let there be a staggering simplicity in your being! The entity, which is trying to 'become', is the thing you (as life) have to be free from! Is it possible to realize this! Then 'you' as mind is finished for you as life to flower.
3) Anything you (mind) touch you (mind) turn it into a sort of drug that puts you (mind) to sleep! You (mind) were a catholic all these years and now you (mind) want to become buddhist or vedantist to 'practice’ (or pervert?) 'awareness' (or subtle aggression?) and 'meditate'.
4) Mind is like a crab! It digs a hole and stays there for sometime and then move out and digs another hole to stay. Mind throws away the picture of Jesus and puts the picture of Buddha or some Maharshi or Krishna in that place! All this is protective mechanism of mind. Can it blast into 'no-mind' from time to time to be available to 'Otherness', which is indeed the Christhood, Buddha-hood or Krishna process? Mind going to church or to communist party office can never know the benediction of the freedom from mind in spite of the fact that mind can still function for performing daily tasks as usual.
5) Searching 'spirituality' has no meaning as search merely strengthens the 'self', the 'me', the 'I' and thus it is only a barrier. When the search (mind), which has thousands of years of momentum comes to a halt what happens? It is like a car in high speed stopping suddenly --- there is a big bang, an extraordinary explosion! That is blasting in the dimension of 'no-thought' in total silence of a strange energy. And Life then begins to express itself, defying all predictions and postulates, in profound Truth or Divinity, which has nothing to do with ideas about truth and god which mind formulates. Then there is just the natural way of living, which is the only purpose of life connected in the body by virtue of which the body is alive.
6) Transformation of mind into life is indeed to become immortal. That is why Upanishad (Vedanta) has said that those who get into Shiva-process or Laya-Yoga are touched by Immortality even though the body still remains mortal. Thus Jesus is also immortal even though some anthropologist-archeologist-research-scientists may say that Jesus never existed! This body (Shibendu) bears evidence that Jesus is living right here and now, expressing Himself through this body in so many ways and utterances! It is not mysticism, but a fact! Every human being in this state of 'no-mind', 'no-I', 'no-self', is still living at this moment. Thus the ancient sages (including the latter-day householder sage known as Lahiri Mahashay) are immortal. Buddha is immortal. The Sufi monk Al-Hallaj Ali Mansur (Huq, Huq, Anal Huq) is immortal. Action of perception springs from a source on which you (mind) cannot have any control! No ego-trip is possible in this arena!
7) Once Russian philosopher Gurdjieff said: 'All your religions are against God!' And he was right! Gods are just strategies of the ego. When these strategies start disappearing, non-divisive awareness whole -- the divinity -- begins appearing!
8) Unfortunately, we have grown old in cleverness, but not in wisdom. Key to the door of wisdom is the impartial observation of one's mental games and guilt sans selfishness of the observer, the 'self', the 'me'. None can offer this key to you. It has to be yours. Wisdom, Chaitanya, non-divisive awareness of what is, leads to the timeless, to the eternal, to the Divinity.
9) Let us ponder over and understand the world we have created, the world of devastating animosity and antagonism, hate and hypocrisy, this world that is torn by beliefs and ideologies, by economic thuggery, by so-called religions and gnawing sects & cults, by politicians and theirs followers and by barriers of nationalities. Our world has become monstrous because of individual craving and fear, ambition and aggression. Can we free ourselves of these bondages to have a sane and happy world? A dynamo moves with terrific speed, full of energy. Energy of Understanding and the deep wakeful silence in oneself is perhaps like that. True action emanates from this state of meditation. There is no other meditation. Meditations of the spiritual market are misleading.
10) A farmer cultivates, sows and harvests. All this is 'Tapas', in Kriya Yoga. And farmer lets the field lie fallow during the winter. This is to be in 'Swadhyay' of Kriya Yoga, that is, to remain in the energy of understanding --- not in any entanglement with mental undertakings. For farmers, this is the renewal of the land. For a Kriyaban, this is rejuvenation and resurrection of life. Then 'Ishwara Pranidhan' is a big blast in benediction and bliss.
11) With understanding of oneself (Swadhyay), there is the right action. Otherwise, actions breed conflict, misery, confusion. Without Swadhyay, there is no wisdom, no intimation of life. Wisdom is not bought by the coin of greed or impatience. It comes when the volume of self-knowledge is read diligently --- not by skipping paragraphs or pages in order to reach the end quickly and greedily. There is passivity and let-go in reading, not pursuits or longings. This passivity is very active and efficient.
12) We can go on ploughing (Tapas) everlastingly and never sowing (Swadhyay), not having the capacity to proceed in the Sakshi Bhava --- the choiceless awareness.
13) Don't become an imitator, but be a mutant --- a mutation dissolving the dichotomy between the 'ideas' and the 'I'.
14) Love is not attachment to persons and things. There is no acquisitiveness of persons, things, knowledge, books, beliefs, ideas and so on. Acquiring and possessiveness is totally out. This is not a state of detachment either! Detachment also gives continuity to attachment. It is just a change of the nature of attachment!
15) You (mind) may use any fanciful word for Life, love, truth, reality, divinity, but ‘That’ is something very strange that you (mind) cannot capture, contain or give expression to. There may be pointers to 'That-ness' from some Guru-process (not a personality of pretensions & paradoxes), but the perception (not 'experience') thereof has to happen in your live-body, blood-cells and bone-marrow!