Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 189 - Thought which has continuity is material, mechanical and mundane. Silence in between thoughts is sacred.



 3 May 2010


1. Remembering physical hurt is relevant, as it helps us to be aloof from situations which bring about accidents causing physical injury. But is it wise to remember psychological hurt (or honour)? Is it not possible to live without a single image (psychological accumulations and denials) about oneself or about another? Would it then be possible to be hurt at all? Answers to these questions must come from within oneself without any outside help or suggestion. Only then can one discover what meditation is --- not the silly stuff of the ‘gurus’, nor the phony baloneys of the ‘trainers’ or ‘teachers’ of meditation.


2. Freedom is the natural state in meditation wherein the contents of the consciousness such as tradition, anxiety, name, position, and attachment, end voluntarily. This means that the continuity of ‘I’ gets broken. One must not get caught up in the explanation, but must come to the fact through exploration (swadhyay). Explanation may also be an ego-trip. But the fire of fact is the burning of false fragmentation in the inner being.

3. Is there anything sacred in the separative structure of the illusion ‘I’? Sacred, being that which is never born, is deathless, timeless, which has no beginning and no end! No body can find it out --- it may however reveal itself when one has discarded all the things that thought has made sacred! When the churches, mosques, temples, fanciful new-age spiritual brain-washings with their pictures, calligraphy, beliefs, rituals, dogmas, conditioned reflexes as ‘spiritual experiences’ are all deeply understood and discarded utterly; when there is no priest, no ‘guru’, no ‘master’, no follower; then in that tremendous quality of silence and sacredness there may come something that is not touched by thought which may be the vital veracity of the otherness, the immeasurable & the nameless.

4. Let us also ponder over the following recent response from Shibendu to a kriyaban from Johannesburg who has the versatile Clarity of Understanding.

”Now I get the time to consider the papers which you have sent regarding the pseudo -'spiritual' activities emanating from the conditioned reflexes happening in the separative psyche "I"s masquerading as kriyabans. ’I’ in the technical, factual, rational, intellectual, critical arena is not much of the problem. But the hideous 'I-ness' with contrived humility boasting of "spiritual" gifts and skills is indeed a horror and disaster.

A state of not-knowing, of open-ness, of choicelessness in awareness is of course the state of Intelligence, Chaitanya, Life. The pressures, paradoxes and pursuits from the borrowed fanciful ideas of "new-age-spirituality" lead to mental pollutions and perversions creating all-round confusion and chaos. Borrowed knowledge begets experiences and these conditioned reactions from Chitta-vritti strengthen the so-called knowledge, beliefs, faiths and expectations. And life then becomes a nightmare in the separative and divisive disasters of the mind.

God is not truth. It is the stinking garbage and the ultimate greed of the mind which is the enemy of Life, Love and Intelligence. But Truth is God. Truth is 'what is’; it is the fire of courage to face the facts of the activities of neurotic and confused minds. Truth is not to run into fancies, fantasies and fragmentations of 'I'. God and Masters fabricated by the mind and 'I' are lies and lust of the cravings generating desperate demands for dependencies in the fictitious and fanciful belief-systems concerning Master/s and God/s. The whole bogey of 'Masters' and all the bogus stories were pioneered by the cunning Bishop Leadbeater of Theosophical Society many many years ago and were subsequently picked up by a variety of clever and conceited 'spiritual-swamis' and ambitious & prospective 'gurus' through miracle-and-rumour-mongerings.

Shibendu whole-heartedly congratulates you and your kriyaban-friends for maintaining your sense of proportions and fire of understanding and for not mortgaging your rational faculty to the paranoia pervading in some persons under the banner of 'spirituality' and 'connection with the Masters'. 

Please keep yourselves totally aloof from the so-called demonstrations of ‘spiritual phenomena’ by persons without any serene sense of balanced understanding.  Keep the fire of observation along with the mutations in the brain-cells, that is, without getting involved in the false dichotomy between the observer and the observed in the dimension of inner awareness (Chaitanya). Please share this letter with all good-brain-kriyabans of your country and, thereby, provide them an opportunity that can help them from being netted by the nasty and notorious activities of ‘I-ness'. Be available to the Holy Cross which represents the cancellation of this illusion called 'I'.” 






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