Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages



St. Petersburg - Paris flight

Sept. 15, 2009


1.    Memory without psychological registrations (which are pollutions of mind) and without vanity and vested interests (which are perversions of ego) has the right place for practical & technical data. This memory is healthy and harmless.


2.    Memory and intellect work on the basis of the actuality of ‘what is’ or the fact, --whereas mind and ego function on the basis of assumptions of ‘what should be’ or the fancy.


3.    Mechanism of thought alongwith the ‘thinker’ as its sustainer runs into second-hand shits of separative consciousness such as belief or disbelief-systems, false images, symbols provoking divisions and conflicts at every level of human affairs, even under the banner of unity and integration.


4.    Fusion of the thinker and thought, of the observer and observed in the existential energy of awareness in human beings, is the beginning of the blissfulness and benediction. Following anybody or any ideal blocks this fusion.


5.    Memorising is not learning. Learning is not ‘having learnt’. It is a movement from moment to moment in the energy of learning through deep listening without any dichotomy between the learner and the learnt. There is no accumulation in the anand  of learning. Ride the tide of learning, of life, of awareness.


6.    The essence of religion is intense sacredness --- not the sensual pleasures derived from rituals, prayers, mantras, pujas, worships, devotional chantings ; eventhough these are very useful in our journey towards that essence.


7.    Seeking and finding is a waste of energy. Seeing and its wisdom is the emergence of energy. Out of confusion, you (mind) seek and what you find is more complication, more chaos ! The only religious act is to come upon the inward clarity through Swadhyay --- the self-knowing --- by  allowing the confusions to unfold without trying to control or contrive.


8.    When you (mind) are anxious, jealous, frightened, when you feel insulted or flattered --- you are dissipating energy ; whereas to be religious is to gather energy.


9.    Any habit whether of sex, or of drink, or of smoking, or of what you will, makes you insensitive and dull dissipating energy. You may then take a drug and may have an astonishing experience, but yet it is the same petty mind. Pettiness is not ended by gathering more information, more knowledge, great music, by attending ‘wellness programmes’ in five-star hotels at the beauty spots of the world. Wellness of mind is not the wisdom of ‘no-mind’. A man who ‘knows’ silence, love or wellness; does not know what love is, what silence is, what wellness is. Wisdom of ‘no-mind’ is to be aware that there is freedom from knowledge eventhough knowledge may still operate wherever it has to.








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