Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 171   - (Epilogue to Message 170 as happened in the body of a disciple. )



July 3, 2009


The Word “Guru Dhaam” is popularly understood as the abode of the Guru Personality. But this was not the understanding that happened in this body. While it is true that Guru’s touch brings about a transformation and the abode of such a Guru is no less a Temple than the most sacred of temples, it was understood that the veracity is much deeper. The worship of the Guru process then takes a new turn and ‘Satyalok’ appears as a Temple par excellence





Not the Brick and Mortar of Guru’s Abode,

But Silence that happens therein.


Not the Images in a Temple named Satyalok,

But the whole meditativeness of the Universe.


Not objects of worship; nor the worshiper,

But worship that happens without worshipership.


Not concepts, conjectures or conclusions;

But the cool stillness that is spontaneous.


Neither the experience of heat nor cold.

But Coldness itself, Heat itself.


Fire feels no Heat, nor ice feels cold;

Light sees no brightness, Darkness sees not the dark.


Freedom occurs when there is no experiencer;

Life blooms when there is no idea about life.


Only perception of a Touch that is revealed,

A benediction that happens; A blasting awareness that is innocence.


Oh beauty, Oh beauty, Oh beauty.


The Energy of Love. The Energy of Understanding.

Words used to communicate the incommunicable.


This is the Guru Dham as also  Param Dham!




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