Manali (Himachal Pradesh, India)
Diwali, 26 Oct. 2011
Aami Bohu Baasonay Praan Poney Chaai,
Bonchito Korey Baanchaale Morey,
E Kripa Kauthore Sonchito Mor Jibon Bhorey.
Naa Chaahite Morey Jaa Korechho Daan ---
Aakaash Aalok Tonu Mono Praan,
Diney Diney Tumi Nitechho Aamaay Se
Mahaa Daaneroi Jogya Korey
Oti-Ichhar Sankat Hotey Baanchaaye Morey.
Aami Kaukhono Baa Bhuli Kaukhono Baa Choli
Tomaar Pauthero Lokhyo Dhorey,
Tumi Nisthur Sonmukh Hotey Jaao Je Sorey.
E Je Taubo Dauyaa Jaani Jaani Haay,
Nitey Chaao Bole Phirao Aamaay ---
Purno Koria Laubey E Jibon Taubo Miloneroi Jogya Korey
Aadhaa-Ichhaar Sankat Hotey Baanchaaye Morey.
Humans are trapped in the network of desperate desires arising from the false division in the inner psyche leading to the everlasting activities of the illusory psychological time, which does not exist at all! This psychological time of 'becoming' & 'pursuit' of the mind (desire) keeps humans oblivious to the energy of existential 'being' and to the 'perception' of the living dimension of life. Chronological and biological times are not the enemies of Life, but the false 'I', 'me', psychological time is the greatest enemy of insight, meditation and silence! O Lord, O Life, O Divinity, O non-dual Awareness, it is obviously Thy most wonderful but cruel Mercy to deprive this devotee of the fulfillment of his petty desires including the 'holy' desire for Thee! This deprivation of the mind's desires enables this devotee to delight in the glory of the divinity.
What has already been gifted by the nature (Divinity) --- this enormous sky, this splendid light, this body, this subtle body (mind), this energy of life and love, and Thy enduring endeavour to make this devotee rise to this grand gift of Life all around. Kindly keep Thy devotee aloof from the danger and the malignancy of too many desires!
This devotee is caught up in the dilemma of divisive consciousness while marching towards Thee. Thou can never be 'seen' face to face as 'this-ness', this ego, gets totally eliminated at the advent of Thy Enormity! This is such a Grace that no residue of any 'I-ness' remains hidden in any form in this vast 'Is-ness'! Grace denies entry-pass to the ego-entity! It is this ruthless refusal of 'I' from Thee that saves this devotee from the malady of remaining lukewarm to Life! It is this, Thy Grace that brings fulfillment of Life by bringing an end to the false fragmentation in the centripetal consciousness. Only then this devotee is dissolved in Thee!
1) Reformers, do-gooders, may only cause more sorrow for man --- whether they are political, social or religious! They must understand at the outset the working of their hidden pursuits, pressures and paradoxes. This is regularly and rigorously revealed in the Swadhyay teachings of Kriya Yoga of the Supreme householder Yogi Lahiri Mahasay. In the understanding of the totality of the mind as a whole instantly, without the Psychological time of 'becoming' sneaking in, there is the radical, inward revolution. From this revolution only (not French revolution, Marx revolution, Mao revolution, Pol Pot cultural revolution, terrorist revolution etc..) springs the action of true cooperation and compassion. Then one would also know when not to cooperate! Only then perpetuation of conflict and misery can come to an end. There is then the totally different world in which there is no acquisitiveness, no envy, no comparison, no fear, no belief systems - positive or negative. And then there is the supreme action without effort, without ego-trips, without regret, without re-iteration which may be the mysterious time-less spring of joyful existence --- full of Life and Love.
2) Comparison breeds animosity and subtle hatred. Conflict, inner or outer, is the ground for violence. Conformity and imitation are genesis of violence. Imposition and acceptance of authority are beginning of violence. Ambition and competition lead to aggression and cruelty. One needs energy of understanding to transcend violence. There is no need to cultivate the 'ideal' of 'non-violence'. That is still violence! Such masks of 'ideals' are most ugly corrosion of the mind. In the total, non-divisive attention; there is the summation of energy, which brings an end to violence in all forms. Attention in just not a word, an abstraction of thought. It is meditation in the natural state of humans wherein doing happens without any doer-ship. If action is the outcome of ideology or pre-conceived notions and conclusions, then it definitely leads to conflict and violence.
3) When thought is burnt in the fire of awareness without allowing the thought to prop up a separative thinker, then there is the emergence of energy and ecstasy. Words with emotional content create problem. Thank God, a dictionary has neither images nor any emotions arising out of the words contained in it. Otherwise, each dictionary would have been a big bomb! Is it possible for humans to be available only to dictionary meaning, technical meaning without interference from cultural inputs and conditioning?
4) Perverted energy of mental undertakings makes the priest and the general, the politician and the thief. Energy made incomplete by desires, is the soil in which grow barren ideas under the banner of spirituality. It is the root cause of everlasting conflict between man and man. It is the menace of New-age spirituality promoted by the racketeers of the spiritual market with money, money and more money. Energy that is the expression of total life is bliss beyond measure.
Jay totality of life and the divinity of light (of Diwali today)