Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 154 - On the hell holding humanity in bondage – this separative psyche called “I”


Moscow (Russia),

Sept. 7, 2008


There is the social contract or agreement to surrender a portion of one’s freedom in exchange for the benefits and satisfactions of living in an ordered society. Different structures of power and authority exist in various societies and these differences give rise to conflict, envy, ideology, persecution, politics and power- seeking. The demand for freedom or its partial surrender or its modifications – all emanate from the limitations and bondages of “I” and its selfish activities in its endless pretensions and pursuits. The projection of the illusory “I” from the ground provisions of the separative consciousness is the human condition which perpetuates and preserves all the paradoxes, prejudices, pressures and pollutions of the human psyche. The freedom which “I” possesses is only freedom to peripherally adjust or partially embellish its bondages. The freedom of “I” ultimately leads to wars and mass murders under the banners of nationalism, religions, gurus, sects, cults and of other political mafias. The knowledge that “I” gathers, may not liberate, but may create new slaveries. For example, in this country, Marxist ideas shifted people from slavery of the czars to the slavery of Stalin and his coterie. The so-called political freedom brought about by the “I” of Gandhian ideologists in India ultimately ended up in horrible exploitations by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. The freedom formulated by “I” is silly and shallow and thus cannot bring about a radical change or fundamental transformation in human beings.

The absolute and most profound freedom is the freedom to surrender! But the network of bondages and burdens of “I” doesn’t allow humans to be available to this unconditional freedom to surrender. This lack of freedom is the greatest condition of misery, pain, sorrow and sufferings of human beings. Freedom to surrender, implies the total abnegation and denial of the fictitious inward psychological authority (”I”-ness). This doesn’t mean depending on scriptures or spiritual charlatans, books and bandwagons of pretentious paramhansas, maharshis or other racketeers. Please understand that when one says that “I have surrendered”, he has actually discovered somebody or some idea or something to depend upon psychologically. If one says “I’m free”, then one is not free, because “I” itself is bondage. Freedom lies in simply seeing without allowing what is seen to be dwelt on by thought or interpreted by words. Thought is the real villain and tyrant which blocks perception and awareness thus generating human bondage. To deny all becoming, leads to extraordinary freedom. To be free to surrender, is to be truly religious. This means not to be limited by separatist impulses of our consciousness, that is, to be an integral part of and responsive to the wholeness of Life.

One who is truly free is capable of Love. There is a kind of love that is purely an outgoing thing, a life force emanating from the inner being which is devoid of duality. For this love to come into being a person must be free, which means a person who acts, not one who reacts, one who has understood and transcended all modes of bondages and dependence, all inward and outward authority.

Jai Surrender

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