Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 151 - What is your destiny, But first ask “what are ‘you’!”

                                                Sardar Sarovar Dam

                                      Holy Narmada (Gujarat)

28 July 2008



You are in fact life – divine, unlimited, unknowable, unmanifest. Life, Intelligence (Chaitanya) has no beginning, no end. It is not born, it does not die. It has no past births, no future re-births. Life is not interested in ‘past-life’ or ‘after-life’.  Life is not anything that ‘you’ think it is! Life can not be captured within the shoddy structure of ‘your’ experience although it expresses itself! Life is not interested in ‘your’ ideas about destiny!  Life is Divinity.

’You’ (Separative illusory psyche “I”), think that ‘you’ are great. Behind ‘you’, there are stars and gods directing ‘your’ destiny! ‘You’ visit churches, mosques, temples to keep ‘your’ gods amused so that ‘your’ destiny is protected and keeps flourishing! ‘You’ play the game of guilt and gullibility to give endless continuity to the illusion ‘I’! You have beliefs borrowed from ‘your’ ‘sacred books’ so that ‘you’ can enjoy the exciting brutalities of your bigotry and battles. ‘You’ are ‘soul’ waiting for the ‘son’ of ‘god’ to save you and send ‘you’ to heaven! For that ‘you’ confess ‘your’ ’sins’ of the past six days to dump on the holy cross in order to get ready for the next six days of ‘sin’!

Contents and registrations of the separative consciousness of the body have projected the fictitious ‘you’, thus creating a strange protective mechanism never allowing freedom to the inherent intelligence to take over the command. And the life in the body languishes in ‘your’ ideas about life!

Desperate concerns to give continuity to ‘I - ness’ makes ‘you’ conclude that stars are guiding ‘your’ destiny. ‘You’ are after all so great!

Now see what you are.

 Picture 1: See earth in comparison with Jupiter which is just yet another planet making rounds of Sun along with Earth




Picture 2: See planet Earth in comparison with the star Sun


Picture 3:  See star Sun in comparison with the star Arcturus. Earth is now invisible.

Picture 4: See star Arcturus in comparison with the star Antares. Even planet Jupiter (‘your’ guru) is now invisible. ‘Your’ Sun – God is just a dot to be seen only under a microscope. And this star Antares is the 15th star. There are 14 more stars ahead of Antares which are much and very much bigger and bigger!

So where is ‘your’ earth? And what are ‘you’, among the billions and billions of humans in comparison with the earth? What is your destiny then as calculated and decided by ‘great astrologers? Is it possible to live without demanding quick solace and petty assurances from astrology? Kriya de-conditions and thus sets oneself free from the cyclic chain of cause and effect. Even if astrology is of some worth, can it work on kriyabans?

Wake up to the divinity, the non-duality, the choicelessness of the inner being. Do not bother about destiny. Divinity is wonder and mystery. Destiny is the imaginary problem of illusion masquerading as ‘I’.  


Jai Divinity

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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