5 April, 2008
Dearest Guruji
With tears in my eyes I've read your beautiful e-mail.
I'm so happy sciatica pain has reduced in the body of Guruji!!
Thank you for your friendship and compassion; in this suffering and sadness I'm reminded there is so much Love!
This body yearns that in spite of the mind, the Grace will be made manifest with healing and union.
Receiving your e-mail is to receive the warmth of the Sun.
A bird can only sing with gratitude. This poem came. It is sent with love and devotion.
If I am not near you;
I shall travel the greatest distance
Ascending the highest peak
I shall swim and cross the Ocean
Oh Great one to touch thy holy feet.
If I don't see you;
I shall erect the greatest symbol
And in thy honor build the holiest place.
How long the wait? How much the pain?
Oh Great one, I shall do more to behold your face...
I shall sing thy Song,
I shall pray thy Names...
Oh Great one; I shall become thy greatest saint...
I have lived and died a thousand deaths;
The pleasure, the pain, the crown of knowledge;
Myriads of dreams within a dream...
The running after, the endless battle...
Oh Great one then, why am I not resting at thy feet?
I have yearned for the Life Eternal
And the song was sweet, and the dance enticing.
I have built temples and nourished priests
And conquered worlds and killed the sinner
Oh Great one then, why have I not seen thy face?
I have traveled a thousand journeys...
I sang thy song; through life, through death
Where are thou Great one, oh Saint of saints...
...Oh Dream of dreams,
Oh Myth of myths,
My heart was broken,
My heart was raised,
When all was seen,
When all was said;
For when Thou answered:
I was the Song that I had been singing,
I was the Ocean that I once journeyed,
And I was the Heaven that I once worshiped!
Jai Guru Process
Dearest Devoteeji,
In your meditative emptiness, whatever be the verbal exposition, there is no separation and so no dichotomy between Guru process and the phenomenon of devotion as all identity has vanished! In meditation, which is happening in your body, there is emptiness. In the day, emptiness still uses the past as thought. But at night, sleep is the emptiness of all yesterdays and you as life then touch that which is timeless!
Jai Guru, Jai Devotee.