Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 132 - A SUFI BLAST



Dec.28, 2007




Na Rahbar,

Na Rafikey Safar,

Na Janey Kis Rahpar,

Rawan Hoe Gaye Hai Hum!

Is Bekhudi Ki Halaat Mey,

Na Janey Kyon, Khuda Hi

Ho Gaye Hai Hum !


Without any companion or guide and without any direction or motive, I (Life) proceeded on a wonderful journey without any prior clue or abstraction. And in this utter and uncompromising ''I''-less-ness, ''I'' wondered how I blasted into the blissful Divinity!



It is strange that such Sufi-blasts are still available in spite of the bondage and the burden of blinding belief-systems of a community which produces such super-fanatics and mad fundamentalists who indulge in the horror and havoc of wanton terrorism and killings in the name of Islam (which actually means peace) under the influence of beastly brainwashing by Mullahs and Imams who promise God and ''luxurious & leisurely life of pleasure'' in the Heaven!


When the pioneer of Sufism, Al-Hallaj Ali Mansur, was most brutally killed by his compatriots and co-religionists because he blasted into the Adwaita-Vedantic dimension of Intelligence (Chaitanya) with His sacred roar of Anal Huq, it was envisaged that Sufism was finished once for all. But it is still alive --- such is the divine potential of innocent human consciousness free from the pollutions of conditioning and other cultural inputs!


Live not in the wicked working of the illusion ''I'', but in the wisdom of watching without the dichotomy between the watcher (subject) and the watched (object) in the inner consciousness. This basic non-duality intensifies into a profound movement of mutation in which the separative process in the psyche ''I'' is ceased dissolving its ultimate greed and gratification which is asserted as God or Heaven. Then the Unknowable exists in the enormous emptiness of the holy wholeness beyond all Geeta, Quoran and Testaments - old or new!




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