Suzdal Monasteries, (Russian Federation)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
the Laya, the Shiva Kailsh – as enshrined in Upanishad, which was a Tagore’s favorite, rendered in Tagore’s melody (Rabindra Sangeet)
Tamishwaraanaam Paramam Maheshwaram,
Taum Devataanaam Paramam Chau Daivatam.
Patim Patinaam Paramam Parastaad,
Bidaamo Devam Bhubaneshameedyam.
Jaitad Viduramritaas Tey Bhavanti (2)
Nau Tasya Karyam Karanam Chau Vidyatey,
Nau Taut Samaschaabhyadhikascha Drishyatey.
Paraasya Shaktirbibidhaiba Shruyatey,
Swaabhaabikee Gyaana – Baula – Kriyaa Chau.
Jaitad Viduramritaas Tey Bhavanti (2)
Nau Tasya Kaschit Patirasti Lokey,
Nau Cheshitaa Naibo Chau Tasya Lingam.
Sau Kaaranam Karanaadhipaadhipo,
Nau Chaasya Kaschijjanitaa Nau Chaadhipah.
Jaitad Viduramritaas Tey Bhavanti (2)
Eso Devo Vishwakarmaa Mahaatmaa,
Saudaa Janaanaam Hridayey Sannibistah.
Hridaa Maneeshaa Manasaa bhiklripto…
Jaitad Viduramritaas Tey Bhavanti (3)
Let this Immense Divinity revealing from the division-less-ness in every dimension, this Supreme Divinity of all divinities, this Supreme Transcendental Being of all beings – be grasped in the non-duality of our inner reality!
Only thus Immortal Life may be sparkling in our bodies mortal!
‘Thatness’ is in supreme non-action, is not an outcome of any chain of cause and effect, yet no other form of action can be seen anywhere in the whole Universe!
‘That’ Transcendental Energy is perceived and is ‘listened’ in so many diverse vitality!
And ‘Thatness’ is in the Natural State of Wisdom (without any trace whatsoever of the wicked activities of ‘I-ness’), Energy (without any mental entanglement whatsoever) and Action (without any activities whatsoever from the separative psyche)!
When direct perception of ‘That’ hits one’s body like a jolt of lightening, Immortality touches the mortal body!
There is no over-lord of this Supreme Lord, no controller of this Sacred Natural Compassion, nor there exists any evidence of It’s nonformal Lingaform! ‘That-ness’ transcends all material and transcendental! ‘That’ has no beginning nor any supercession by death!
One who understands this, he is available to immortality in spite of the mortal body!
Such an All-pervading Universal Creation-Demolition – the Shiva Kailash phenomenon – this dazzling Light, Love, Life, Wholeness, Sacred, Mahatma, Chaitanya, Purna, Punya is in existence in all beings as ‘emptiness’ embodied in the Heart! This is revealed through the sacred Teachings dispelling the darkness of false dichotomy in the network of the contents of the divisive-separative consciousness. And then one blasts into Laya-Shiva-Kailash of immortality despite the little shoddy mortal body of humans.
1) Can we see the affairs in our inner being and learn from the manuscript of life straightway, rather than be book-oriented? Then there may perhaps be a radical change! Then there is no need to be authority-bound, there is no need to be sychophantic or afraid. Then you will not meet a high-up politician or a millionaire with your grovel doubling up with fake respect.
2) Do not remain confined within the four walls of the familiar separative consciousness which is without even the faint wisdom of the fire of the sacred holistic awareness.
3) Now computer can invent new gods or a super-god. It can create marvelous theologies – much more absorbing and amusing, much more sentimental and cynical, much more fascinating and fanciful, much more delusory and divisive than what the brain computers of humans have done so far throughout the ages producing ‘religious scriptures’ of organized mafias called ‘religions’ and their cults and sects!
4) If someone says that there is no hope – you get horrified. But that is the truth! ‘Hope’ is the psychological time, the becoming. And the psyche ‘I’, the false fragmentation and idiotic illusion, thrives through the thuggery of the psychological time everlastingly generating the ache and agony of ‘becoming’. There is no such thing as ‘I’ and thus there is no such thing as ‘hope’!
And this energy of Understanding is not ‘hopelessness’! On the contrary, this is the holiest of the holy.
5) Kill nothing but the psychological time! And freedom from this time is the greatest enlightenment. There is no other wisdom. Brain can remain without aging, without atrophy, without friction, without stress or strain, without migrane, without any conflict or confusion, when there is the ending of time psychological! Then there is always an extraordinary vitality behind the brain!
Jai Upanishad in Rabindra Sangeet