7. 2. 2011
Mondo Bhaalor Dwanda Khetey,
Gyachhe Toe Din Anek Ketey,
Alos Byalaar Khelaar Saathi,
Ebaar Aamaar Hriday Taane ;
Binaa Kaajer Daak Porechhe
Kyano Jey Taa Kei Baa Jaane!
Fullness of Life and light was being wasted day in & day out in the wicked activities of the selfish and divisive myth called mind, which is everlastingly caught up in the obscurity of opposites such as "good or bad", "right or wrong", "honesty or hypocrisy", "consistency or conflict", "moral or immoral", "pleasure or pain", "profit or loss", "win or defeat", "co-operation or competition" and so on; as a part of the crooked social, cultural and conventional value systems as also the stupid belief systems of a monstrous society wherein cruel killings and massive exploitations of man by man continues unabated for millennia!
The shoddy little "I", in spite of its constant indulgence in glorification and aggrandizement, all of a sudden abandoned its pursuits of power & possessions and found itself in the bliss of a passive choiceless-awareness! And then the division-less Divinity in oneself at once began doing the most profound work which, of course, is considered to be "no-work" or "useless work" from the stand-point of the ego-I!
Kolaahol Toe Baaron Holo
Ebar Kautha Kaane Kanne,
Ekhon Haube Praaner Aalaap
Kebol Maatro Gaane Gaane!
And in this wonderful state, all noises from the notorious "I" came to a halt and a melodious conversation began in the inner-being without the limitation of the language system!
Some reflections in this dimension of "no-I": ---
1) All 'spiritual' experiences however 'enlightening' or 'extraordinary' are mere sensuality and products from past conditioning.
2) Religious and spiritual pollution is much more harmful as compared to atmospheric pollution.
3) Humanity revolves around selling and buying which includes "spiritual ideas"!
4) Seeing without spectatorship destroys the continuity and corruption of thought.
5) Questioner is unfortunately a network of borrowed answers. Can we ask and stay with a question such as: "Is it possible to be in a state of "not-knowing" in spite of using all the technical knowledge for performing the daily tasks?"
6) Real silence is explosive. It is perhaps volcanic. It is life. It is not mind artificially made silent!
7) Wanting not to want is also a want.
8) Any borrowed knowledge, whether from ancient scriptures or from modern philosophies, is not worth a tinker's damn unless it dissolves in the live-body as direct perception.
9) Natural state of "nothing-ness" blasts us in our nerves, cells and marrow of the bones.
10) Any movement of mind, in any direction, on any dimension, at any level is drifting away from one's real existential Self. When this is understood directly by and for oneself, there happens a complete surrender and a total giving up!
Jai Tagore Again