June 10, 2006
''Freedom from'' is repression and reaction under the banner of renunciation in order to gain freedom! It is past-oriented. It is from the past and thus a modified continuity of the past with superficial change and marginal adjustment. ''Freedom from'' is still bondage. It is the bondage which attempts to be free from and thus bondage lingers.This kind of freedom is delivered by politicians and psychologists. Karl Marx, Mao, Freud, Jung are examples who promise such freedom.
It is not necessary to dig the past to be free from it. Thoughts are responses and reactions from the past. Just choiceless awareness or holistic wakefulness of these responses from moment to moment without the dichotomy between the watcher and the watched, is enough to set oneself free. The watcher, the ''I'', the separative and illusory fragmentation in the consciousness, is the chooser whose ceaseless activities deny freedom. Choicelessness is the ending of this chooser, this ''I''. To understand this and to be available to the dimension of non-action on the part of the psychological ''I'' is the supreme freedom.
Technical ''I'', the reference point, for technical functioning, cannot create bondage! Psychological ''I'' is the re-inforcement of the bondage. In technical problems, subject and object are different. If there is problem in the car it can be solved because problem-solver (subject) is the body, the me and the problem (object) is the car. But when there is a psychological problem, the problemsolver is ''I'' and the problem is also ''I''. The projection of an ''I'' outside the basic field of consciousness which is also ''I'', is the protective mechanism of the duality in the consciousness sustaining each other.
Analysis in technical world is alright as subject & object are different ; but in psychology, analysis is paralysis! The subject (analyser) is mind and the object (analysed) is also mind. Digging past history, full of opposites & fragmentations, and handling them according to different ''therapies'' including ''past-lives regressions'' are horrible games of the mind giving ad-hoc ''freedom from'' for a while and thus going back to therapists again and again for the rest of life! Patients merely reconstruct their past according to therapists, never getting rid of them. Political reforms also require further reforms again and again. All this is the phenomenon of ''Freedom from''.
''Freedom for'' is future oriented. It is utopia and ideology. It is becoming and projection of mind. It is an escape from ''what is'' into ''what should be''. It is also a freedom of sort for many who love illusion instead of illumination ! It is only re-evaluation and reformulation under the banner of renewal.
Both ''Freedom from'' and ''Freedom for'' are not freedom!
True freedom is rebellion, radical change and truly religious. It is present oriented. Here opposites meet and merge into omnipresence. Dualities delve into each other to dissolve into divinity. Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tse, Nanak, Kabir and others including you (not as mind, but as life) belong to this total freedom --- absolute and unconditional. It is freedom from ''what is'' just by being aware of it, neither resisting nor escaping from
''Freedom from'' is bondage, ''Freedom for'' is becoming, Freedom is bliss.
''Freedom from'' is manipulation, ''Freedom for'' is mania,
Freedom is most sacred. ''Freedom from'' is reaction,
''Freedom for'' re-formulation, Freedom is religion and rebellion.
''Freedom from'' and ''Freedom for'' are mind, Freedom is ''no-mind'', life..
True Freedom is Nirvana and Moksha