Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages




December 31, 2005



There are 555 Sutras known as ''Brahma Sutra'' distributed over 4 chapters, each chapter consisting of 4 sections.


Chapter   I : Sec 1 : 31, Sec 2 : 32, Sec 3 : 43, Sec 4 : 28        Total =  134

Chapter  II : Sec 1 : 37, Sec 2 : 45, Sec 3 : 53, Sec 4 : 22        Total =  157

Chapter III : Sec 1 : 27, Sec 2 : 41, Sec 3 : 66, Sec 4 : 52       Total =  186

Chapter VI : Sec 1 : 19, Sec 2 : 21, Sec 3 : 16, Sec 4 : 22        Total =   78 

                                                                                    Grand total =  555


A magical number indeed !

Ancient human beings in the part of the planet now called India, went deep into their enquiries about embodied consciousness and dis-embodied Intelligence. There were many dimensions in their meditative enquiries giving rise to many texts & scriptures generating rituals as also deep spiritual insights with regard to Nature & Universe. Many different schools of philosophy emerged led by venerated teachers. Subsequently, to manage the vast body of knowledge, Sutra literature was developed as memory-aids to lengthy discussions on many topics. The messages and matters of a body of vast knowledge were very much condensed in a Sutra, for preservation. Consequently maximum knowledge was sought to be compressed into these Sutras which were composed in as few words as possible. But then the brevity was carried out to such extremes that most of the Sutras became unintelligible and enigma. And then came interpreters and scholars, centuries after centuries, creating different systems of philosophies alongwith their arguments, assertions, controversies and criticisms. Main commentaries on Brahma Sutras are, however, by Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanuja and Nimbarka.


Brahma Sutras were composed by Badarayana. Like Astavakra, there is a very interesting and analogical story in respect of Badarayana too, about the genesis of these Sutras. Just as Shibendu tells the Astavakra story in Retreats and participants enjoy the same very much, it is possible that the Badarayana story will also be relished by all, if and when this message forms part of a future Retreat.


In matters spiritual, truth has to be re-discovered by and for a human being for direct realisation. If it is repeated, it becomes an intellectual idea, a matter of ''I'', ''I'', ''I'' and 'You', 'You', 'You'. Thus truth becomes a lie when it is repeated; it just becomes a safeguard, security, solace and satisfaction for the ego ! Repetition of scientific truth is useful. It develops technology. Repetition of lie in politics is very harmful as the lie then begins to appear as truth due to propaganda. Politicians then come to power to control everything. For matters deeply psychological and spiritual, one has to be a light to one's own self.

The truth here is not at the top of the ladder of concepts, conclusions, ideas or interpretations. It is there where you are, in your daily life, in your tension and temptation. It is not in Brahma Sutra ! To think that you are a Brahma-Jnani by reading explanations of Brahma Sutras is but another self-projected aggrandizement. It is immature thinking, unworthy of people who are alive and affectionate.


The essence of all 555 Brahma Sutras has been made available by Adi Shankaracharya in one line :


« Brahma Satyam Jaganmithya, Jivo Brahmaiva Naapara »

« 'No-mind' (Universal Intelligence) is real, mind is myth. Life, manifest as well as unmanifest, is the whole. There are no Two ».


Meditate on the above essence in all the three dimensions of Kriya Yoga : Swadhyay, Tapas, Ishwara Pranidhan and re-discover the truth by and for yourself. Know this. Don't get into borrowed knowledge about this !


Quantum Physics reveals that quark (basic particle) is still only vibrations in another vision (like hologram). And thus even the visible is Maya.


But the belief-systems alongwith all the brain-washing by priests and politicians seem to be very real ! So be ready to kill and get killed and justify all this in many different ways through theologies of the priests as also through nationalism, capitalism, communism and many such non-sense of the politicians. All this is supposed to be the purpose and meaning of your life !


Prajnanam Brahma : Awareness is Brahma.

Aham Brahmasmi : Real ''I'' is Awareness.

Tatwamasi : Real 'You' is Awareness.

Ayamatma Brahma : Essence of everything is Awareness.







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