Division in the embodied consciousness props up a fictitious ‘I’, out of its field of fragmentary contents with their everlasting conflicts and contradictions. Separating an ‘I’ and imagining that it is outside this basic field is the beginning of human sorrow, suffering, pain, problem, illusion and delusion. This ‘I’, this fallacious fragmentation due to heavy conditioning generation after generation, assumes authority and starts interfering with other fragmentary contents of the basic field of consciousness in the body. The basic consciousness as well as the ‘I’ have the same ingredients and inputs comprising of all the registrations in the vast memory -- factual as also fanciful psychological investments, positive or negative, giving rise to vanity and vested interests. This is not seen nor is it understood. ‘I’ always appears to be separate from the basic field of the contents of consciousness.
This duality generates a petty ego-emptiness as a protective mechanism of both ‘I’ and the contents of consciousness. More the contents, more the fortification of ‘I’. And more the consolidation of ‘I’, more is the demand for the contents. And then begins the everlasting craving of the ego for fulfillment of all kinds of desire. A desire, whether fulfilled or frustrated, gives birth to more desire. And the holy life is wasted in the quagmire of wanting and worrying, getting and grabbing! The fear, belief-systems, dependencies, solace and assurances, emotions, sentiments, conflicts, battles, discomforts and diseases follow one by one or simultaneously destroying the nervous system and causing atrophy in the brain. All this is due to the shallow emptiness of duality in the human consciousness within a very limited space and time.
Incarceration into this shallow emptiness does not allow us to realize what we are missing -- the veracity of vast emptiness which is entirely different from our conceptual emptiness as space and time between two objects. Vitality of this eternal, existential emptiness is divinity. It is disembodied but digital Supreme Intelligence which is also a tremendous energy. Emptiness can see it. You with all your occupations, obsessions and obscurity can only seek it but can never find it!
The fictitious ‘I’, a fragment in the field of the embodied consciousness desperately attempts to give itself continuity and permanency. This is the genesis of all theological thuggary in every religion. The duality in the consciousness of the body spreads in all the levels of human affairs – family, society, nation, between nations, religion, god and so on. This is the root cause of human misery and tragedy. Can this duality be dissolved? Can there be a fusion between thinker and thought, between observer and observed, between spectator and spectacle, between the experience and the experienced? Can there be a mutation between me and mind? Only then the most sacred may manifest!
Jay Holy Himalaya