Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 076 - On Love, Life & Lord; On Death, Diversity & Divinity

Paris , Thursday
24 February 2005



Life is not opposite of death ! The opposite of death is only birth. Life is neither born, nor does It die. A body is born and it dies. An object showing symptoms of life is animate, whereas the one without such symptoms is called inanimate matter or a material process. Life is dis-embodied, but digital or perfect Intelligence (Purna Chaitanya). Life is all pervading, existential and enduring eternity. Life - energy is naturally Intelligent, is Love and is the Lord. Under the Lordship, there is flowering and fragrance, there is diversity and creativity, complimentary to one another, but one wholeness. And under the beastly leadership of a shoddy little man or woman, whether political, ideological, bureaucratic, democratic, autocratic, social, economic, "religious", or "spiritual" ; there is only following and fragmentation, there is only division with all its cruelty, conflict and contradiction.

Embodied Consciousness is like wave everlastingly being born and dying. Is it possible to perceive the ocean and yet go on waving? Why an embodied consciousness (wave) remains oblivious to the ocean? Ocean is the real 'I', then how a small wave remains amused, deluded, occupied, obsessed and obscured in a petty little 'I-ness'? Why this ego-structure , this network of thought, this I-ness, develops all kinds of cunning and calculated theological concepts, conclusions, belief or disbelief systems, bigotry and desperately tries to give its shoddy little self a continuity and permanency? Why the consciousness in human body has run into all kinds of guilt, gullibility, gratification, fear, fancy, cravings, conflicts and thus makes itself available to all sorts of exploitation, emotion and entanglements?

Contents of consciousness constitute the consciousness. These contents are memories, knowledge, experiences, psychological residues, past prejudices, pressures, pretention, paradoxes, postulates, ambitions, apprehensions, cultural inputs, conditioning, dependencies, delusions, distortions, doctrines, dogmas and so on. Embodied consciousness (Chitta-vritti) is restricted within these parameters. There is no consciousness outside this frame-work. Yet an 'I' is projected, promoted, perpetuated and given permanency as 'soul', to be 'saved' by a 'saviour', having a 'strategy of success', as a separate entity outside the consciousness. But the ingredients of the 'I' and the contents of the consciousness are exactly the same. There is no such thing as an individual 'I' except as a reference-point, not as a re-inforcement point of reaction, resistance, resentment, revenge and retribution. In fact, ' individual' means' indivisible', the whole, not separative. This separation of 'I' from the rest of the consciousness is the root cause of sorrow and suffering of humanity. 'I' can function as co-ordinator, whenever needed. It is not to be converted into a separative continuity. This division in the brain (consciousness) is the denial of the divinity. This bifurcation in the consciousness converts it into a battleground of baffling thoughts. This fragmentation is fortified by the theological thuggery in every religion through psychological blackmail and bribery, through promises & threats, through reward and punishment, through heaven and hell. And human brain remains everlastingly caught up in a corridor of obscure opposites. It is human brain, not British brain or French brain, Jewish brain or Arabic brain, Buddhist brain or Christian brain. And this division is disaster!

Memory is matter like in a computer. Thought is the response from memory and is thus a mechanical and material process as happens in a computer. Lingering and languishing in this limited area of memory and thought from birth to death is called 'living'. It is merely a movement of dead concepts and conclusions, not of living comprehension and compassion. Let the 'dead bury the dead', as Jesus said, and let there be a waking up to the benediction of life ! To die to the entanglement of the past from moment to moment is to be available to life in the freedom of the energy of the presence. Banishing death to a distant future is to miss the bliss of divinity right here and now ! So do not get into the 'art of living' floated by charlatans of the spiritual market. Rather lay down the foundation in yourself for the art of dying ! Love is in the negative dimension of attention! Let what is not love be negated. Love does not belong to the mind-ego frame. It is not an experience. It is joyful existence. Experience is disconnection. Existential equanimity is connection (yoga-samadhi). Samadhi is not coma, it is compassion. Love is the Lord of 'no-mind', the highest Intelligence. It is the total emptiness of the brain. And in this ecstasy, there is the strange rhythm, regeneration, resurrection, Love, Life, Lord, Divine and Death ! And all the wonder and mystery of Creation is there ! No structure of experience, no framework of knowledge, no god which is garbage of mind, can touch It. It is not ' revealed' to any mask, whether that of a Paramahansa, or of a Prophet, or of a Pope !
Life (Brahma), Love (Vishnu) and Death (Shiva) are not three.
Trinity, the division, is the product of mind. Divinity is the non-cognisable perception of 'no-mind'.





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